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EJP SOIL Special Issue – Climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management for the future

Soils are the basis of life on the Earth. Ninety-five percent of the food we eat comes from our soil, which also supply wide range ecosystem services such as water regulation, nutrient recycling, resilience to climate change and harbors more than half of life, making it the most biodiverse habitat on Earth.

Fheritale Kick-off meeting

The new Horizon Europe project, FHERITALE - Food, Health and Environment Research Infrastructures to Tackle Emerging Priorities, kicked off in January 2024 at a meeting in Florence. The FHERITALE project seeks to provide the European research community with a comprehensive overview of technologies and services relevant to understanding the impact of artificial materials on health, food and the environment.

Progetto MaNUfacTuRIng 3D di alimenti vegetali di nuova generazione per la nutrizione sana NUTRI3D: compila il questionario!

ll progetto ENEA ‘NUTRI3D’ ha sviluppato, tramite la tecnologia 3D-Printing, “snack on the go” sani, innovativi e sostenibili a base di ingredienti bioattivi, anche con funzione tecnologica, derivanti da sottoprodotti di produzione dell’industria agroalimentare, coerentemente ai dettami della Bioeconomia circolare per un utilizzo in cascata delle risorse biologiche e secondo il concetto di “scarti zero”.