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METROFOOD KICK OFF MEETING, Lisbon (Portugal), 9-10 January 2020

Lisbon hosts the kick off meeting of METROFOOD-PP, with 75 partecipants from 18 Countries representig the 48 Partner Institutes (20 Beneficiaries and 28 Linked Third Parties) under the coordination of ENEA.

30 months to bring METROFODD-RI  ( to the level of a legally, financially and technically mature pan-European research infrastructure, ready to be implemented an operational.

NANO-DAY IV - 11 Dec 2019 - 14 Dec 2019 Milan - Italy

This 4th edition conference, creates a platform for the presentation of the latest achievements of young researcher in the field of nanotech and nanomaterial in life sciences, chemistry and technology.  The conference addresses all aspects of nanotechnology research and its applications. The event will be divided into two parallel topics: “Nano in Life Sciences”: Medicine, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture, Environment; and “Nano in Physics, Chemistry and Technology”: Sensors, New Materials, Technological Applications, Energy, Design and Safety.

International Symposium on Microbiome-Assisted Crop Production – Opportunities, Challenges and Needs - miCROPe 2019

From 2nd to 5th December there will be held the miCROPe 2019 symposium “Microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges and needs”.

The international symposium addresses basic and applied aspects of applying beneficial microorganisms in crop production.

1st International Conference on Food, Nutrition, Security and Sustainable Agriculture - FNSA 1st - 3rd December 2019, Cairo (Egypt)

The 1st Edition of the international conference on FNSSA is organized by the Agro-Food Industries Alliance (funded by Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt), World Food Program, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT, Alexandria), Alexandria University, Egypt, and IEREK – International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange in collaboration with Springer as a publishing partner.

Una rete di innovatori per affrontare le sfide dell’agroindustria laziale

Il prossimo 26 novembre si terrà pressso la sede ENEA di Roma il Workshop: "Una rete di innovatori per affrontare le sfide dell’agroindustria laziale", organizzato in collaborazione con Agro Camera, l'Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per lo sviluppo e la promozione del sistema agroalimentare e la gestione della Borsa Merci.<


Dal 21 al 24 novembre ENEA parteciperà a Focus Live 2019 Milano  presso il Museo della Scienza, il tema  "Come vogliamo vivere nel 2029” sarà affrontato  nella seconda edizione del festival dedicato a scienza, tecnologia e innovazioni organizzato da Focus, il mensile di divulgazione scientifica del Gruppo Mondadori.


Tecnologie innovative per produrre packaging 100% biodegradabile dagli scarti caseari, “orti” hi-tech per coltivare verdure a bordo di veicoli spaziali e in altri “spazi” urbani ove sia necessario garantire cibo fresco, corretto apporto nutrizionale e alimentazione di alta qualità. Ma anche speaker "on stage" per parlare di agricoltura di precisione, salute, benessere, economia circolare e sicurezza alimentare.