Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Chromosome analysis and sorting,
, Cytometry Part A, (2021)
Circular economy good practices in waste management and prevention in the food system,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 20, Number 10, p.1645-1654, (2021)
Circular economy in the agro-industry: Integrated environmental assessment of dairy products,
, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 148, (2021)
The circular economy transition in urban areas and communities: Enea’s approach [La transizione verso l’economia circolare in aree e comunità urbane: Approccio enea],
, TECHNE, Volume 22, p.28-34, (2021)
Circulating long non-coding RNA signature in knee osteoarthritis patients with postoperative pain one-year after total knee replacement,
, Scandinavian Journal of Pain, (2021)
Classification of weather clusters over the Middle East associated with high atmospheric dust-AODs in West Iran,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 259, (2021)
Climate hazard indices projections based on CORDEX-CORE, CMIP5 and CMIP6 ensemble,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 57, Number 5-6, p.1293 – 1383, (2021)
Climate variability, innovation and firm performance: evidence from the European agricultural sector,
, European Review of Agricultural Economics, sep, Volume 48, Number 5, p.1074–1108, (2021)
Cognitive effects of low dose of ionizing radiation – Lessons learned and research gaps from epidemiological and biological studies,
, Environment International, Volume 147, (2021)
Colonic inflammation accelerates the progression of liver disease: A protective role of dipotassium glycyrrhizate,
, Digestive and Liver Disease, Jan-12-2021, Volume 54, Number 8, p.1084-1093, (2021)
Combinatorial actions of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid stress hormone receptors are required for preventing neurodegeneration of the mouse hippocampus,
, Neurobiology of Stress, Volume 15, (2021)
Combining the bi-objective approach and conditional coring for a reliable estimation of on-site concrete strength variability,
, Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, Volume 54, Number 6, (2021)
Comet assay: A versatile but complex tool in genotoxicity testing,
, Toxicology Research, Volume 10, Number 1, p.68-78, (2021)
Comparative chemical analysis of six ancient italian sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) varieties showing antiangiogenic activity,
, Food Chemistry, Volume 360, (2021)
Comparison of selection methods for the establishment of a core collection using SSR markers for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) accessions from European germplasm repositories,
, Tree Genetics and Genomes, Volume 17, Number 6, (2021)
Comparison of source apportionment approaches and analysis of non-linearity in a real case model application,
, Geoscientific Model Development, Jan-01-2021, Volume 14, Issue 7, Number 7, p.4731-4750, (2021)
Comparison of the performance of an eriophyid mite, Aceria salsolae, on nontarget plants in the laboratory and in the field,
, Biological Control, Volume 152, (2021)
A complex gene network mediated by ethylene signal transduction tfs defines the flower induction and differentiation in olea europaea l.,
, Genes, Volume 12, Number 4, (2021)
, Number 102021000000509, (2021)
, 20th conference on "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" , (2021)
The contribution and potential of Industrial Symbiosis for the ecological transition. SymbiosisUsers Network - Sun Proceedings of the fifth SUN Conference, October 27th 2021,
, 2022, Rimini, (2021)
The contribution of melt ponds to enhanced Arctic sea-ice melt during the Last Interglacial,
, Cryosphere, Volume 15, Number 11, p.5099 – 5114, (2021)
A Cooperation Project in Lesotho: Renewable Energy Potential Maps Embedded in a WebGIS Tool,
, Sustainability, Jan-09-2021, Volume 13, Issue 18, p.10132, (2021)
Correction To: Epidemiological derivation of flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in European forests (Journal of Forestry Research, (2020), 31, 5, (1509-1519), 10.1007/s11676-020-01191-x),
, Journal of Forestry Research, Volume 33, Number 5, p.1703, (2021)
Correction to: Fretting Wear and Scratch Resistance of Cold-Sprayed Pure Cu and Ti (Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, (2021), 10.1007/s13632-021-00758-2),
, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, (2021)