Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) v2.0-diagnostics for extreme events, regional and impact evaluation, and analysis of Earth system models in CMIP,
, Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 14, Number 6, p.3159-3184, (2021)
The EC-Earth3 Earth System Model for the Climate Model Intercomparison Project 6,
, Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 02/2021, (2021)
Economic and life cycle analysis of passive and active monitoring of ozone for forest protection,
, Environments - MDPI, Volume 8, Number 10, (2021)
Economic impacts of ambient ozone pollution on wood production in Italy,
, Scientific Reports, Volume 11, Number 1, (2021)
Editorial: Interactions Between Ozone Pollution and Forest Ecosystems,
, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, Volume 3, (2021)
Effect of different post-harvest storage conditions and heat treatment on tomatine content in commercial varieties of green tomatoes,
, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Jan-03-2021, Volume 96, p.103735, (2021)
Effect of fruit shading and cold storage on tocopherol biosynthesis and its involvement in the susceptibility of Star Ruby grapefruit to chilling injury,
, Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, Volume 3, (2021)
Effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on flocs structure in sewage sludge to increase stabilization for efficient and safe reuse in agriculture,
, Bioremediation Journal, (2021)
Effects of a Lifestyle Change Intervention on Semen Quality in Healthy Young Men Living in Highly Polluted Areas in Italy: The FASt Randomized Controlled Trial,
, European Urology Focus, (2021)
Effects of long-lasting cold storage on Tenebrio molitor larvae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae),
, Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, Jul-10-2022, Volume 7, Issue 7, Number 7, p.1111 - 1116, (2021)
Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) exposure on male fertility and pregnancy and birth outcomes: Protocols for a systematic review of experimental studies in non-human mammals and in human sperm exposed in vitro,
, Environment International, Volume 157, (2021)
Effects of sub-chronic oral exposure to pyrogenic synthetic amorphous silica (NM-203) in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats: focus on reproductive systems,
, Reproductive Toxicology, Volume 105, p.17-24, (2021)
Effects of sulfamethoxazole on growth and antibiotic resistance of a natural microbial community,
, Water, Volume 13, Number 9, p.1262, (2021)
Effects of two diets on adults’ survival and productivity in mass-rearing of Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae),
, Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, Volume 7, Number 7, p.1149-1157, (2021)
An Eggplant Recombinant Inbred Population Allows the Discovery of Metabolic QTLs Controlling Fruit Nutritional Quality,
, Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 12, p.614, (2021)
Emerging challenges of ozone impacts on asian plants: actions are needed to protect ecosystem health,
, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, Volume 7, Number 1, (2021)
Enabling barley production in arid soils by only exploiting the indigenous microbial biodiversity,
, Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity, (2021)
The ENEA-REG system (v1.0), a multi-component regional Earth system model: Sensitivity to different atmospheric components over the Med-CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment) region,
, Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 14, Number 7, p.4159-4185, (2021)
Engineering Metabolism in Nicotiana Species: A Promising Future,
, Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 39, Number 9, p.901-913, (2021)
Engineering-geological features supporting a seismic-driven multi-hazard scenario in the lake campotosto area (L'aquila, Italy),
, Geosciences (Switzerland), Volume 11, Number 3, p.1-27, (2021)
EPCL Electrospun Microfibrous Layers for Immune Assays: Sensitive ELISA for the Detection of Serum Antibodies against HPV16 E7 Oncoprotein,
, ACS Omega, Volume 6, Number 13, p.8778-8783, (2021)
Eriophyid mites in classical biological control of weeds: Progress and challenges,
, Insects, Volume 12, Number 6, (2021)
Erratum to: Microencapsulated G3C Hybridoma Cell Graft Delays the Onset of Spontaneous Diabetes in NOD Mice by an Expansion of Gitr+ Treg Cells (Diabetes 2020;69:965–980),
, Diabetes, Volume 70, Number 6, p.e1414, (2021)
Estimating lockdown-induced European NO2changes using satellite and surface observations and air quality models,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 21, Number 9, p.7373-7394, (2021)
Estimating the epidemic growth dynamics within the first week,
, Heliyon, Volume 7, Number 11, (2021)