Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Visibility at Italian natural parks: preliminary data from the first-ever pilot project by ENEA and CUFAA,
, 6th International Congress on Biodiversity - TRAPANI (Italy), 2-3 September 2022 , (2022)
Visible radiophotoluminescence of colour centres in lithium fluoride: From lasers to versatile radiation sensors,
, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2298, Number 1, (2022)
VviRafS5 Is a Raffinose Synthase Involved in Cold Acclimation in Grapevine Woody Tissues,
, Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 12, (2022)
The zero-waste economy: from food waste to industry,
, Membrane Engineering in the Circular Economy, p.63-100, (2022)
ZNF281 Promotes Colon Fibroblast Activation in TGFβ1-Induced Gut Fibrosis,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 23, Number 18, (2022)
15/15 Ti stainless steel welding process optimization for GEN IV nuclear application in the GEMMA project frame,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 1016 MSF, p.262-267, (2021)
Activated Carbon Impregnated with Elementary Iodine: Applications against Virus- and Bacteria-Related Issue,
, C, Jan-12-2021, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.86, (2021)
ADP-ribosylation in evasion, promotion and exacerbation of immune responses,
, Immunology, (2021)
Advances in cultivar choice, hazelnut orchard management, and nut storage to enhance product quality and safety: an overview,
, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Mar-01-2022, Volume 101, Issue 1, p.27 - 43, (2021)
After the Fall: The Demographic Destiny of a Gorgonian Population Stricken by Catastrophic Mortality,
, Oceans, 2, 2021, Volume 2, (2021)
Air-sea interaction in the central Mediterranean Sea: assessment of reanalysis and satellite observations,
, Remote Sensing, Jan-06-2021, Volume 13, Issue 11, Number 11, p.2188, (2021)
Amplification of the Hazelnut-Induced Epigenetic Modulation of LDLR Gene Expression in THLE-2 Human Primary Hepatocytes Compared to HepG2 Hepatocarcinoma Cells,
, Austin J Nutr Metab, Volume 8 , Issue 2, (2021)
Anaerobic digestion and removal of sulfamethoxazole, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and their antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale biogas plant,
, Antibiotics, Volume 10, Number 5, p.502, (2021)
Analysing the resilience of agricultural production systems with ResiPy, the Python production resilience estimation package,
, SoftwareX, Volume 15, p.100738, (2021)
Analysis of the contribution to PM10 concentrations of the largest coal-fired power plant of Italy in four different sites,
, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 12, Number 8, (2021)
Analysis of the synergies of industrial symbiosis concerning the steel waste in industrial areas,
, Symbiosis Users Network - SUN Proceedings of the fifth SUN Conference - October 27th 2021, 2022, Rimini, p.9–15, (2021)
Anammox-based processes for mature leachate treatment in sbr: A modelling study,
, Processes, Volume 9, Number 8, (2021)
Anomalous enhanced water diffusion in polysaccharide interpenetrating hydrogels,
, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Jan-03-2021, Volume 613, p.125892, (2021)
Anthosart Green Tool: Selecting Species for Green Infrastructure Design,
, Urban Services to Ecosystems , Green Infrastructure Benefits from the Landscape to the Urban Scale, Volume 17, Number Future City, Cham, Switzerland, (2021)
Antihypertensive peptides from ultrafiltration and fermentation of the ricotta cheese exhausted whey: Design and characterization of a functional ricotta cheese,
, Foods, Volume 10, Number 11, (2021)
Application of a common methodology to select in situ CO2 observations representative of the atmospheric background to an Italian collaborative network,
, Atmosphere, Jan-02-2021, Volume 12, Issue 2, Number 2, p.246, (2021)
Aquatic Weeds: A Potential Pollutant Removing Agent from Wastewater and Polluted Soil and Valuable Biofuel Feedstock,
, Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, p.59-77, (2021)
Artisanal fishing, dolphins, and interactive pinger: A study from a passive acoustic perspective,
, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, (2021)
Assessing mean climate change signals in the global CORDEX-CORE ensemble,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 57, Number 5-6, p.1269 – 1292, (2021)
Assessment of annual physico-chemical variability via high-temporal resolution monitoring in an antarctic shallow coastal site (Terra nova bay, ross sea),
, Minerals, Jan-04-2021, Volume 11, Issue 4, Number 4, p.374, (2021)