Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Radiation-Induced Lens Opacity and Cataractogenesis: A Lifetime Study Using Mice of Varying Genetic Backgrounds,
, Radiation research, Volume 197, Number 1, p.57-66, (2022)
On the Radiative Impact of Biomass-Burning Aerosols in the Arctic: The August 2017 Case Study,
, Remote Sensing, Jan-01-2022, Volume 14, Issue 2, Number 2, p.313, (2022)
Radon metrology for use in climate change observation and radiation protection at the environmental level,
, Advances in Geosciences, Volume 57, p.37-47, (2022)
Recovery material from a new designed surgical face mask: A complementary approach based on mechanical and thermo-chemical recycling,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 324, (2022)
Recycling technologies for fibre-reinforced plastic composite materials: A bibliometric analysis using a systematic approach,
, Journal of Composite Materials, May-06-2023, p.002199832211098, (2022)
On the Redox-Activity and Health-Effects of Atmospheric Primary and Secondary Aerosol: Phenomenology,
, Atmosphere, Volume 13, Number 5, (2022)
Resistenza a plum pox virus mediante biotecnologie,
, Patologia Vegetale Molecolare, p.591–594, (2022)
Responses to dietary supplementation with field bean (Vicia faba var. minor) in production indices, mohair growth and hormonal parameters in transition Angora goats,
, Italian Journal of Animal Science, Volume 21, Number 1, p.1315-1325, (2022)
Rethinking Subthreshold Effects in Regulatory Chemical Risk Assessments,
, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 56, Number 16, p.11095-11099, (2022)
Scheffersomyces stipitis ability to valorize different residual biomasses for vitamin B9 production ,
, Microbial Biotechnology, Apr-12-2023, (2022)
A Search Engine Concept to Improve Food Traceability and Transparency: Preliminary Results,
, Foods, Volume 11, Number 7, (2022)
Seasonal predictions of energy-relevant climate variables through Euro-Atlantic Teleconnections,
, Climate Services, Volume 26, (2022)
Seasonal trophic ecology of the invasive crab Percnon gibbesi (Brachyura, Plagusiidae) in the southwestern mediterranean: Insights from stomach contents and stable isotope analyses,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 173, (2022)
Seismic behaviour of rubble masonry: Shake table test and numerical modelling,
, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, (2022)
Separation and Concentration of Astaxanthin and Lutein from Microalgae Liquid Extracts Using Magnetic Nanoparticles,
, Magnetochemistry, Volume 8, Number 8, (2022)
settings Open AccessArticle Expression Analysis of the TdDRF1 Gene in Field-Grown Durum Wheat under Full and Reduced Irrigation,
, Genes, Jan-03-2022, Volume 13, Issue 3, Number 3, p.555, (2022)
Short-Term Effects and Vegetation Response after a Megafire in a Mediterranean Area,
, Land, Volume 11, Number 12, (2022)
Silicon-PV panels recycling: technologies and perspectives,
, Metallurgia Italiana, Volume 114, Number 5, p.16-26, (2022)
Smooth-rough asymmetric PLGA structure made of dip coating membrane and electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds meant to be used for guided tissue regeneration of periodontium,
, Polymer Engineering and Science, (2022)
Snow-Mantle Remote Sensing from Spaceborne Sar Interferometry Using a Model-Based Synergetic Retrieval Approach in Central Apennines,
, IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumIGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (2022)
Social and Environmental Assessment of a Solidarity Oriented Energy Community: A Case-Study in San Giovanni a Teduccio, Napoli (IT),
, Energies, Volume 15, Number 4, (2022)
Sodium-Conducting Ionic Liquid Electrolytes: Electrochemical Stability Investigation,
, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 9, (2022)
Spatially Correlated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Profiles as a Tool for Precision Agriculture,
, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, (2022)
Spatiotemporal variations of ozone exposure and its risks to vegetation and human health in Cyprus: an analysis across a gradient of altitudes,
, Journal of Forestry Research, (2022)