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Found 7566 results
MITO: A new operational model for the forecasting of the Mediterranean sea circulation, Napolitano, Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, Palma Massimiliano, Sannino Gianmaria, Carillo Adriana, Lombardi Emanuele, Pisacane Giovanna, and Struglia Maria Vittoria , Frontiers in Energy Research, Feb-08-2022, Volume 10, (2022)
Modal analysis of novel coronavirus (SARS COV-2) using finite element methodology, Warsame, C., Valerini D., Llavori I., Barber A.H., and Goel S. , Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 135, (2022)
Modelli ed esperienze di simbiosi industriali in Italia, Cutaia, Laura, Beltrani Tiziana, Giammartini M., La Monica Marco, and Luciano Antonella , Rapporto sull'economia circolare 2022, p.105–112, (2022)
Modelling of autogenerative high-pressure anaerobic digestion in a batch reactor for the production of pressurised biogas, De Crescenzo, C., Marzocchella A., Karatza D., Molino Antonio, Ceron-Chafla P., Lindeboom R.E.F., van Lier J.B., Chianese S., and Musmarra D. , Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, Volume 15, Number 1, (2022)
Modelling present and future climate in the Mediterranean Sea: a focus on sea-level change, Sannino, Gianmaria, Carillo Adriana, Iacono Roberto, Napolitano Ernesto, Palma M., Pisacane Giovanna, and Struglia Maria Vittoria , Climate Dynamics, Volume 59, Number 1-2, p.357 – 391, (2022)
Modifying Anthocyanins Biosynthesis in Tomato Hairy Roots: A Test Bed for Plant Resistance to Ionizing Radiation and Antioxidant Properties in Space, Massa, Silvia, Pagliarello Riccardo, Cemmi Alessia, Di Sarcina Ilaria, Bombarely Aureliano, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Diretto Gianfranco, Paolini Francesca, H. Petzold Earl, Bliek Mattijs, et al. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Dec-02-2023, Volume 13, (2022)
Molecular Characterization of Kunitz-Type Protease Inhibitors from Blister Beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae), Fratini, Emiliano, Rossi M.N., Spagoni L., Riccieri A., Mancini E., Polticelli F., Bologna M.A., Mariottini P., and Cervelli M. , Biomolecules, Volume 12, Number 7, (2022)
Monitoring climate related risk and opportunities for wine sector: the MED-GOLD Pilot Service, Dell'Aquila, Alessandro, Graça António, Teixeira Marta, Fontes Natacha, González-Reviriego Nube, Marcos-Matamoros Raül, Chou Chihchung, Terrado Marta, Giannakopoulos Christos, Varotsos Konstantinos, et al. , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, (2022)
Morpho-physiological and molecular responses of Lepidium sativum L. seeds induced by bismuth exposure, Passatore, L., Pietrini F., Carloni S., Massimi L., Giusto C., Zacchini M., and Iannilli Valentina , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 831, (2022)
Motion Magnification Applications for the Protection of Italian Cultural Heritage Assets, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Roselli Ivan, Cataldo Antonino, Forliti Sara, Colucci Alessandro, Baldini Massimiliano, and Picca Alessandro , Sensors, Volume 22, Number 24, (2022)
Moving climate seasonal forecasts information from useful to usable for early within-season predictions of durum wheat yield, Dainelli, R., Calmanti Sandro, Pasqui M., Rocchi L., Di Giuseppe E., Monotti C., Quaresima S., Matese A., Di Gennaro S.F., and Toscano P. , Climate Services, Volume 28, (2022)
Multi-approach LC-MS methods for the characterization of species-specific attributes of monoclonal antibodies from plants, Tengattini, S., Rinaldi F., Perez-Fernandez V., Fabbri A., Donini Marcello, Marusic Carla, Sferrazza G., Pierimarchi P., Zonfrillo M., Calleri E., et al. , Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Volume 216, (2022)
Multi-hazard Analysis and Mapping of Infrastructure Systems at National Level Using GIS Techniques: Preliminary Results, Pollino, Maurizio, Cappucci Sergio, Pesaresi C., Farrace M.G., Morte L.D., and Vegliante G. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 13377 LNCS, p.153-168, (2022)
Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1983-2021; obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.0_2022-10-17, Schuldt, Kenneth N., Aalto Tuula, Arlyn Andrews, Aoki Shuji, Apadula Francesco, Jgor Arduini, Baier Bianca, Bartyzel Jakub, Bergamaschi Peter, Biermann Tobias, et al. , 2022/01//, (2022)
Multi-Omic Approaches to Investigate Molecular Mechanisms in Peach Post-Harvest Ripening, Sirangelo, Tiziana Maria, Rogers Hilary J., and Spadafora Natasha D. , Agriculture (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 4, (2022)
Multi-Omics Approaches to Study Molecular Mechanisms in Cannabis sativa, Sirangelo, Tiziana Maria, Ludlow Richard A., and Spadafora Natasha D. , Plants, Volume 11, Number 16, (2022)
Natural Bioactives: Back to the Future in the Fight against Human Papillomavirus? A Narrative Review, Massa, Silvia, Pagliarello Riccardo, Paolini Francesca, and Venuti Aldo , Journal of Clinical Medicine, Jan-03-2022, Volume 11, Issue 5, Number 5, p.1465, (2022)
The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna: Simuliidae., Ciadamidaro, S., and Mancini L. , Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 08/2022, Volume 37, Issue 2, Number 2, (2022)
New Insights Regarding Hemin Inhibition of the Purified Rat Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Carrier and Relationships with Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Miniero, Daniela Valeria, Gambacorta Nicola, Spagnoletta Anna, Tragni Vincenzo, Loizzo Stefano, Nicolotti Orazio, Pierri Ciro Leonardo, and De Palma Annalisa , Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 11, Number 24, (2022)
A New Iodine-Based Functional Material for Infectious Diseases Prevention: Germicidal Properties and Potential Applications, Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi, Kinase Yoshiaki, Kakuta Hitomi, and Fabio Spaziani , International Journal on Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, Volume 3, Issue 3, (2022)
A new operational Mediterranean diurnal optimally interpolated sea surface temperature product within the Copernicus Marine Service, Pisano, A., Ciani D., Marullo S., Santoleri R., and B. Nardelli Buongiorno , Earth System Science Data, Volume 14, Number 9, p.4111-4128, (2022)
Nitrogen Budget and Statistical Entropy Analysis of the Tiber River Catchment, a Highly Anthropized Environment, De Marco, Alessandra, Fornasier M.F., Screpanti Augusto, Lombardi D., and Vitale M. , Soil Systems, Volume 6, Number 1, (2022)
Non-Hydrostatic Regcm4 (Regcm4-NH): Evaluation of Precipitation Statistics at the Convection-Permitting Scale over Different Domains, Stocchi, Paolo, Pichelli Emanuela, Alavez Jose Abraham To, Coppola Erika, Giuliani Graziano, and Giorgi Filippo , Atmosphere, Volume 13, Number 6, (2022)
A novel pd-p nano-alloy supported on functionalized silica for catalytic aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol, Moeini, S.S., Laverdura U.P., Marconi E., Lisi N., Serra Emanuele, Chierchia R., Luisetto I., Tuti S., and Tofani D. , Catalysts, Volume 12, Number 1, (2022)
Occurrence and Characterization of Small Microplastics (<100 μm), Additives, and Plasticizers in Larvae of Simuliidae, Corami, Fabiana, Rosso Beatrice, Iannilli Valentina, Ciadamidaro S., Bravo Barbara, and Barbante Carlo , Toxics, Volume 10, Number 7, p.383, (2022)