Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Growth, optical, and wettability properties of iron modified titania and ferropseudobrookite thin films,
, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 130, Number 14, (2021)
Hemp-lime buildings: thermo-hygrometric behaviour of two case studies in North and South Italy,
, Energy and Buildings, Volume 247, (2021)
Highly Contaminated Marine Sediments Can Host Rare Bacterial Taxa Potentially Useful for Bioremediation,
, Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 12, (2021)
How Investigators Can Answer More Complex Questions About Assess Concrete Strength and Lessons to Draw from a Benchmark,
, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Volume 32, p.219-277, (2021)
How Investigators Can Assess Concrete Strength with On-site Non-destructive Tests and Lessons to Draw from a Benchmark,
, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Volume 32, p.183-218, (2021)
How to Identify the Recommended Number of Cores?,
, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Volume 32, p.57-99, (2021)
Hygrothermal ageing influence on bvi-damaged carbon/epoxy coupons under compression load,
, Polymers, Volume 13, Number 13, (2021)
Identification and characterization of apocarotenoid modifiers and carotenogenic enzymes for biosynthesis of crocins in Buddleja davidii flowers,
, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 72, Number 8, p.3200-3218, (2021)
Identification of beneficial microbial consortia and bioactive compounds with potential as plant biostimulants for a sustainable agriculture,
, Microorganisms, Volume 9, Number 2, p.1-23, (2021)
Identification of Test Regions and Choice of Conversion Models,
, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Volume 32, p.117-160, (2021)
Identifying Priorities for the Protection of Deep Mediterranean Sea Ecosystems Through an Integrated Approach,
, Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 8, (2021)
Il Capitale Naturale: un patrimonio (a rischio) da proteggere e valorizzare,
, Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, Volume 2.2021, (2021)
Il “gusto per il verde” tra percezione, conoscenza, sobrietà: Anthosart Green Tool, uno strumento per comprendere, selezionare, adottare le piante della nostra quotidianit,
, Verde urbano: gestione ecologica. Manuale di progettazione e cura di parchi, giardini e reti ecologiche nelle città. , Volume 33 , Issue 1-2, (2021)
Il recupero di materiali attraverso la demolizione selettiva: un’analisi costi-benefici,
, Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale PRE|FREE - UP|DOWN - RE|CYCLE Pratiche tradizionali e tecnologie innovative per l’End of Waste, 2021, Roma, p.248–261, (2021)
An image-based approach for structure investigation and 3D numerical modelling of polymeric foams,
, Journal of Polymer Research, Volume 28, Number 3, (2021)
Impact of ground-level ozone on Mediterranean forest ecosystems health,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 783, (2021)
Impact of low temperature and host plant on Tuta absoluta,
, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, (2021)
Improved current estimates from spar buoy-mounted adcp measurement station: A case study in the ligurian sea,
, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Number 5, (2021)
Improved genome assembly and pan-genome provide key insights into eggplant domestication and breeding,
, Plant Journal, Volume 107, Number 2, p.579-596, (2021)
Improvement of ENEA laser-induced fluorescence prototypes: An intercalibration between a hyperspectral and a multispectral scanning system,
, Acta IMEKO, Volume 10, Number 1, p.70-76, (2021)
Innovar desde la tradición: Desarrollo de productos sostenibles para la restauración del patrimonio cultural, a partir de la Opuntia ficus-indica y las antiguas técnicas mexicanas,
, Investigaciones, p.244, (2021)
Innovative recycling of end of life silicon pv panels: Resielp,
, Detritus, Volume 16, p.41-47, (2021)
In-Situ Strength Assessment of Concrete: Detailed Guidelines,
, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Volume 32, p.3-56, (2021)
Inspection of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers: 3D identification and quantification of components by X-ray CT,
, Applied Composite Materials, (2021)
An integrated approach to chlorophyll monitoring in surface freshwater: The case study of lake albano (central Italy),
, Water (Switzerland), Volume 13, Number 9, (2021)