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Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 42 39 38 45 49 56 52 43 67 40 3 474
Presentazione a Congresso 7 5 9 7 4 4 5 3 1 1 46
Brevetto 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 14
Monografia 1 4 3 5 3 2 3 21
Atti di Congresso 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 15
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 1 4 3 1 9
Miscellanea 2 1 1 4
Rivista 1 1
Manoscritto 2 2
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Tesi 1 1
Totale 55 54 59 60 59 67 64 53 74 48 3 596
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Fumia, N., Kantar M., Lin Y.-P., Schafleitner R., Lefebvre V., Paran I., et al. (2023).  Exploration of high-throughput data for heat tolerance selection in Capsicum annuum. Plant Phenome Journal. 6,
Pallavicini, P., Preti L., Protopapa M L., Carbone D., Capodieci L., Fernandez Y.A. Diaz, et al. (2023).  Nanoparticle-Imprinted Silica Gel for the Size-Selective Capture of Silver Ultrafine Nanoparticles from Water. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 28(10), 4026.
Vitali, R., Palone F., De Stefano I., Fiorente C., Novelli F., Pasquali E., et al. (2023).  Characterization of Early and Late Damage in a Mouse Model of Pelvic Radiation Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24,
Sorbo, A., Zoani C., & Passeri D. (2023).  Food Quality and Safety: Advances in Analytical Methods and Applications. Separations. 10,
Benvenuto, E., Broer I., D’Aoust M.-A., Hitzeroth I., Hundleby P., Menassa R., et al. (2023).  Plant molecular farming in the wake of the closure of Medicago Inc. Nature Biotechnology.
Sangiorgio, P., Errico S., Verardi A., Massa S., Pagliarello R., Marusic C., et al. (2023).  Consumer Awareness and Acceptance of Biotechnological Solutions for Gluten-Free Products. Foods. 12(9), 1808.
Caputo, B., Moretti R., Virgillito C., Manica M., Lampazzi E., Lombardi G., et al. (2023).  A bacterium against the tiger: further evidence of the potential of noninundative releases of males with manipulated Wolbachia infection in reducing fertility of Aedes albopictus field populations in Italy. Pest Management Science.
Pallotti, S., Pediconi D., Valbonesi A., Renieri C., Haizhou S., Junwen Z., et al. (2023).  Phenotypic Correlation between Guard Hair and Down Hair in Chinese Alashan Left Banner White Cashmere Goat: A Preliminary Study. Animals. 13(8), 1295.
Metelli, G., Lampazzi E., Pagliarello R., Garegnani M., Nardi L., Calvitti M., et al. (2023).  Design of a modular controlled unit for the study of bioprocesses: Towards solutions for Bioregenerative Life Support Systems in space. Life Sciences in Space Research. 36, 8 - 17.
d'Aquino, L., Cozzolino R., Nardone G., Borelli G., Gambale E., Sighicelli M., et al. (2023).  Effects of White and Blue-Red Light on Growth and Metabolism of Basil Grown under Microcosm Conditions. Plants. 12,
Gutierrez, A.P., G. Peverieri S., Ponti L., Giovannini L., Roversi P.F., Mele A., et al. (2023).  Correction: Tritrophic analysis of the prospective biological control of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, under extant weather and climate change (Journal of Pest Science, (2023), 10.1007/s10340-023-01610-y). Journal of Pest Science.
McQuinn, R.P., Leroux J., Sierra J., Escobar-Tovar L., Frusciante S., Finnegan E.J., et al. (2023).  Deregulation of ζ-carotene desaturase in Arabidopsis and tomato exposes a unique carotenoid-derived redundant regulation of floral meristem identity and function. Plant Journal.
Gutierrez, A.P., G. Peverieri S., Ponti L., Giovannini L., Roversi P.F., Mele A., et al. (2023).  Tritrophic analysis of the prospective biological control of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, under extant weather and climate change. Journal of Pest Science.
Di Paola, A., Di Giuseppe E., Gutierrez A.P., Ponti L., & Pasqui M. (2023).  Climate stressors modulate interannual olive yield at province level in Italy: A composite index approach to support crop management. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.
Nesci, S., Spagnoletta A., & Oppedisano F. (2023).  Inflammation, Mitochondria and Natural Compounds Together in the Circle of Trust. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(7), 6106.
Lodato, F., Colonna N., Pennazza G., Praticò S., Santonico M., Vollero L., et al. (2023).  Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion of the Rome Coastline through GEE and RF Algorithm, Using Landsat Imagery. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 12(4), 141.
Tanori, M., Pitaro M., Fratini E., Colantoni E., Amoresano A., Celentano S., et al. (2023).  Safety in Rats of a Novel Nasal Spray Formulation for the Prevention of Airborne Viral Infections. Pharmaceutics. 15,
Di Paolo, M., Corsi F., Maggi M., Nardi L., Bisti S., Piano I., et al. (2023).  Efficacy of Hydroponically Cultivated Saffron in the Preservation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 28,
Verardi, A., Sangiorgio P., Moliterni S., Errico S., Spagnoletta A., & Dimatteo S. (2023).  Advanced technologies for chitin recovery from crustacean waste. Clean Technologies and Recycling. 3(1), 4 - 43.
Catalano, C., Carra A., Carimi F., Motisi A., Sajeva M., Butler A., et al. (2023).  Somatic Embryogenesis and Flow Cytometric Assessment of Nuclear Genetic Stability for Sansevieria spp.: An Approach for In Vitro Regeneration of Ornamental Plants. Horticulturae. 9(2), 138.
Benassi, B., Bacchetta L., & Pacchierotti F. (2023).  Epigenetic-based antioxidant effect of an ethanolic extract of Corylus avellana L. on THLE-2 human primary hepatocytes. Natural Product Research. 1 - 7.
Dell'Aquila, A., Calmanti S., & Ponti L. (2023).  Co-production pathway of an end-to-end climate service for improved decision-making in the wine sector. Climate Services. 30,
Pagliarello, R., Bennici E., Cemmi A., Di Sarcina I., Spelt C., Nardi L., et al. (2023).  Designing a novel tomato ideotype for future cultivation in space manned missions. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 9,
Baldassarre, F., Altomare A., Mesto E., Lacalamita M., Dida B., Mele A., et al. (2023).  Structural Characterization of Low-Sr-Doped Hydroxyapatite Obtained by Solid-State Synthesis. Crystals. 13,
Hett, J., Döring T.F., Bevivino A., & Neuhoff D. (2023).  Impact of microbial consortia on organic maize in a temperate climate varies with environment but not with fertilization. European Journal of Agronomy. 144,
Maiorano, G., Ramires F. Anna, Durante M., Palamà I. Elena, Blando F., De Rinaldis G., et al. (2022).  The Controlled Semi-Solid Fermentation of Seaweeds as a Strategy for Their Stabilization and New Food Applications. Foods. 11(18), 2811.
Roselli, G., Gabrielli S., Emanuele L., Dujaković T., Kesovia M. Miguel Kod, Pizzichini D., et al. (2022).  The use of mucilage extracted from opuntia ficus indica as a color fixative on historical materials. XIII Convegno internazionale AIES – Associazione Italiana Esperti Scientifici per i beni culturali. - “Diagnosi, conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale”.
Marzioli, P., Boscia M., Kumar S., Moretti A., Frezza L., Amadio D., et al. (2022).  Autonomous cultivation system for nano platforms: the GreenCube mission. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. 2022-September,
Atwa, D. M., Ibrahim S., Stani C., Birarda G., Ali N., Abdullah E., et al. (2022).  Biodeterioration Assessment of a Unique Old Pharaonic Kingdom Wooden Statue Using Advanced Diagnostic Techniques. Applied Sciences. 12(14), 7020.
Ancona, V., Gatto A., Aimola G., Rascio I., Tumolo M., Losacco D., et al. (2022).  Microcosm experiment for assessing sunflower capability to grow on a PCB and HM contaminated soil.
Visca, A., Rauseo J., Spataro F., Patrolecco L., Grenni P., Massini G., et al. (2022).  Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digesters and predicted concentrations in agroecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management. 301, 113891.
Caracciolo, A. Barra, Visca A., Rauseo J., Spataro F., Garbini G. Luigi, Grenni P., et al. (2022).  Bioaccumulation of antibiotics and resistance genes in lettuce following cattle manure and digestate fertilization and their effects on soil and phyllosphere microbial communities. Environmental Pollution. 315, 120413.
Miritana, V. Mazzurco, Patrolecco L., Caracciolo A. Barra, Visca A., Piccinini F., Signorini A., et al. (2022).  Effects of Ciprofloxacin Alone or in Mixture with Sulfamethoxazole on the Efficiency of Anaerobic Digestion and Its Microbial Community. Antibiotics. 11(8), 1111.
Pistillo, M., Scamarcio M., Liguori F., Mastantuono M., Gramazio S., Ambrico A., et al. (2022).  Particle image velocimetry image processing to assess cell distribution within bioreactors. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 3363, 88-103.
Lamanna, R., Baviello G., & Catellani M. (2022).  Spatially Correlated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Profiles as a Tool for Precision Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Bastioli, C., Capuzzi L., Ciancolini A., Crinò P., & Tolaini V. (2022).  Cardo coltivato denominato Mater Cyn 02 .
Bastioli, C., Capuzzi L., Ciancolini A., Crinò P. Patrizia M., & Tolaini V. (2022).  Cardo coltivato denominato Mater Cyn 01 .
Nocenzi, M., Presenti O., & Zoani C. (2022).  La sostenibilità come paradigma: il caso dell'Infrastruttura Metrofood-RI nel settore agroalimentare. Società Mutamento Politica Rivista Italiana di Sociologia.
Errico, S., Spagnoletta A., Moliterni S., Dimatteo S., Verardi A., Sangiorgio P., et al. (2022).  Tenebrio molitor as a new promising alternative in the production of feed and food. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 21(10), 1657 - 1671.
Errico, S., Verardi A., Sangiorgio P., Dimatteo S., Spagnoletta A., Moliterni S., et al. (2022).  Tenebrio molitor: innovative tool for food loss and waste valorization and biopolymers recovery. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 21(10), 1641 - 1656.
Colonna, N. (2022).  Il futuro dell’energia per il mondo agricolo. La rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione. 1, 33-36.
Miniero, D. Valeria, Gambacorta N., Spagnoletta A., Tragni V., Loizzo S., Nicolotti O., et al. (2022).  New Insights Regarding Hemin Inhibition of the Purified Rat Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Carrier and Relationships with Mitochondrial Dysfunction. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 11,
Nardi, L., Metelli G., Garegnani M., Villani M E., Massa S., Bennici E., et al. (2022).  Farming for Pharming: Novel Hydroponic Process in Contained Environment for Efficient Pharma-Grade Production of Saffron. Molecules. 27,
Calicchia, P., De Simone S., Camassa A., Tatì A., & Petrucci F. (2022).  Integration of Non-Destructive Acoustic Imaging Investigation with Photogrammetric and Morphological Analysis to Study the “Graecia Vetus” in the Chigi Palace of Ariccia. Heritage. 5, 3762 – 3784.
Fiaschini, N., Mancuso M., Tanori M., Colantoni E., Vitali R., Diretto G., et al. (2022).  Liver Steatosis and Steatohepatitis Alter Bile Acid Receptors in Brain and Induce Neuroinflammation: A Contribution of Circulating Bile Acids and Blood-Brain Barrier. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(22), 14254.
Solar, A., Medic A., Slatnar A., Mikulic-Petkovsek M., Botta R., Rovira M., et al. (2022).  The Effects of the Cultivar and Environment on the Phenolic Contents of Hazelnut Kernels. Plants. 11,
Mattarozzi, M., Laski E., Bertucci A., Giannetto M., Bianchi F., Zoani C., et al. (2022).  Metrological traceability in process analytical technologies and point-of-need technologies for food safety and quality control: not a straightforward issue. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
Cao, Y., Zhang K., Yu H., Chen S., Xu D., Zhao H., et al. (2022).  Pepper variome reveals the history and key loci associated with fruit domestication and diversification. Molecular Plant.
Vitali, R., Prioreschi C., L. Rebenaque L., Colantoni E., Giovannini D., Frusciante S., et al. (2022).  Gut–Brain Axis: Insights from Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Brain Tumor Development in a Mouse Model of Experimental Colitis Induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23,
Laudadio, I., Bastianelli A., Fulci V., Carissimi C., Colantoni E., Palone F., et al. (2022).  ZNF281 Promotes Colon Fibroblast Activation in TGFβ1-Induced Gut Fibrosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23,