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Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells - InnCoCells Kick off meeting

The kick off meeting fo Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells - InnoCoCells  project  will be held through Teams on Wednesday the 26th of May at 09.00 - 16.30.

Logo InnoCoCells

The kick off meeting fo Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells - InnCoCells  project  will be held through Teams on Wednesday the 26th of May at 09.00 - 16.30. The InnCoCells project aims to develop innovative and sustainable plant-based production processes for the commercial exploitation of scientifically validated cosmetic ingredients based on underutilised plant resources. Within the different industrial segments, InnCoCells project will focus especially on ingredients and products for the skin care, which is consistently the most profitable. The production process pipeline of the selected plant resources will be optimized for being profitable and sustainable using cell cultures, aeroponics and greenhouse/field cultivation. In addition, InnCoCells will apply systematic approaches including metabolic engineering tools to optimise growth conditions and the yields of valuable bioactive, small-molecule compounds and ingredients. The optimised processes will be demonstrated by pilot-scale production and subsequent product extraction/purification. The consortium includes eight SMEs and one large company from the cosmetic sector among the 17 partners to  facilitate exploitation.

Project fact sheet:


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