Laboratory Innovation of Agri-food Chains
The laboratory activities are focused on innovation on research, development and transfer activities to increase competitiveness, quality, safety and sustainability of food production systems and agroforestry.
Activities focus on developing efficient production processes to little or no waste generation, on validation and application of diagnostic methods for the qualification of productions, on the analysis and evaluation of microbiological and chemical changes in the processes of production, processing, storage and packaging on the identification and quantification of components and markers of quality in order to prove the authenticity and origin of the products and ensure their traceability.
The laboratory are performed by making use of innovative infrastructures, equipment, facilities, technologies and service platforms.
Status: ongoing
Formulazione di un biostimolante radicale contenente molecole provenienti da scarti vegetali per la coltivazione idroponica di ortaggi
Delivering, safe, sustainable, tailored & socially accepted soilimprovers from circular food production processes for boosting soil health
Soil ecosystem services and soil threats modelling and mapping
ECO-READY: Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven policies
Creazione di un HUB italiano a supporto della partecipazione dell’Italia alla Global Soil Partnership ed alla rete di eccellenza europea sulla ricerca sul suolo
Towards climate-smart and sustainable soil management
Status: Completed
Modeling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe
Agro-ecological strategies for promoting climate change mItigation and adaptation by enhancing soil ecosystem services and sustainable crop production
Esecuzione di Sviluppo di tecnologie e processi innovativi per la produzione di imballaggi 100% BIOdegradabili e COmpostabili per un'industria Sostenibile, economica/circolare ed Intelligente
Sustainable Innovation of MicroBiome Applications in Food System