DeliSoil Stakeholder Analysis Survey
DeliSoil Consortium is pleased to invite you to participate in our stakeholder analysis survey, developed by our partner Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
DeliSoil Consortium is pleased to invite you to participate in our stakeholder analysis survey, developed by our partner Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
This questionnaire will help us to deepen our understanding of the sector to deliver innovative soil improver solutions based on a circular bioeconomy approach.
Please give only 10 minutes to share your insights on key stakeholders, their impact and influence in the soil improvers sector.
All responses will be confidential and used only for DeliSoil project purposes.
To participate, please follow the link. We look forward to your feedback!
Link to the project factsheet
Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 August 2023