Produzione scientifica
Found 7572 results
Correlation Between Grain Yield and Rutin Content in Common Buckwheat Germplasm Cultivated in Southern Italy,
, Buckwheat Germplasm in the World, p.215 – 224, (2018)
A Corylus avellana L. extract enhances human macrophage bactericidal response against Staphylococcus aureus by increasing the expression of anti-inflammatory and iron metabolism genes,
, Journal of Functional Foods, Volume 45, p.499-511, (2018)
Crimping-induced structural gradients explain the lasting strength of poly L-lactide bioresorbable vascular scaffolds during hydrolysis,
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 115, Number 41, p.10239-10244, (2018)
Critical issues in genotoxicity assessment of TiO2 nanoparticles by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells,
, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Volume 38, Number 12, p.1471-1482, (2018)
CT-based investigation of the contraction of ex vivo tissue undergoing microwave thermal ablation,
, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 63, Number 5, (2018)
CubeSat-life ground test facility: Ground facility to simulate a CubeSat environment for the cultivation of ideotype tomato plants,
, 5th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2018 - Proceedings, p.21-25, (2018)
Currently legislated decreases in nitrogen deposition will yield only limited plant species recovery in European forests,
, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Number 12, (2018)
Cytoplasmic incompatibility management to support Incompatible Insect Technique against Aedes albopictus,
, Parasites and Vectors, Volume 11, (2018)
A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy,
, Scientific Data, Volume 5, (2018)
Dealing with a cluster of large centralized municipal wastewater treatment plants: A case study,
, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 118, p.268-278, (2018)
Densities of the arundo wasp, Tetramesa romana (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) across its native range in Mediterranean Europe and introduced ranges in North America and Africa,
, Biocontrol Science and Technology, p.1-14, (2018)
Design, development, and testing of an environmental P-T cell for infrared spectroscopy measurements,
, Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 89, Number 10, (2018)
, High Performance Computing on CRESCO Infrastructure: research activities and results 2017, p.9, (2018)
Determining the infrared radiative effects of Saharan dust: A radiative transfer modelling study based on vertically resolved measurements at Lampedusa,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 18, p.4377-4401, (2018)
Development and Implementation of an Industrial Symbiosis Competences Network: the STORM Project,
, 06, (2018)
Dietary antioxidants, food deprivation and growth affect differently oxidative status of blood and brain in juvenile European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax),
, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 2018///, Volume 216, p.1 - 7, (2018)
Different erionite species bind iron into the structure: A potential explanation for fibrous erionite toxicity,
, Minerals, Volume 8, Number 2, (2018)
The Diplomatic Hall of the Royal Palace of Naples: Structural characterization of the timber roof by in situ ND investigations,
, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 171, p.1005-1016, (2018)
Disaggregating the SWOT analysis of marine renewable energies,
, Frontiers in Energy Research, Volume 6, Number DEC, (2018)
Dispositivo di Conversione Energetica e Metodo di Produzione,
, Number 102018000004538, Italia, EP, USA, (2018)
Diversification Strategies and Adaptation Deficit: Evidence from Rural Communities in Niger,
, World Development, Volume 101, p.219-234, (2018)
Divers-operated underwater photogrammetry: Applications in the study of antarctic benthos,
, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, Jan-01-2018, Volume 42, Number 2, p.885-892, (2018)
DNA origami structures interfaced to inorganic nanodevices,
, Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1811, p.263-278, (2018)
Drinking water contamination from perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): An ecological mortality study in the Veneto Region, Italy,
, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 28, Number 1, p.180-185, (2018)
Dynamical and statistical downscaling of seasonal temperature forecasts in Europe: Added value for user applications,
, Climate Services, Volume 9, p.44-56, (2018)