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Found 7572 results
Biofuels and bioenergy from residual biomasses: When a waste becomes a resource,
, Biofuels and Bioenergy from Residual Biomasses: When a Waste Becomes a Resource, Cham, p.1569 - 1571, (2018)
Biofuels production by biomass gasification: A review,
, Energies, Volume 11, Number 4, (2018)
Biogeochemical patterns and microbial processes in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water of Ionian Sea,
, Hydrobiologia, Volume 815, Number 1, p.97-112, (2018)
, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Jun-12-2018, Volume 183, Issue 1-2, p.151 - 155, (2018)
Bioinspired hybrid eumelanin-TiO2 antimicrobial nanostructures: the key role of organo-inorganic frameworks in tuning eumelanin's biocide action mechanism through membrane interaction,
, RSC Advances, Volume 8, Number 50, p.28275-28283, (2018)
Biological effects of Salvia Officinalis leaf extract on murine myeloma cells,
, Pharmacognosy Magazine, Volume 14, Number 55, p.S208-S212, (2018)
Boulder coastal deposits at Favignana Island rocky coast (Sicily, Italy): Litho-structural and hydrodynamic control,
, Geomorphology, Volume 303, p.191-209, (2018)
Candidate enzymes for saffron crocin biosynthesis are localized in multiple cellular compartments,
, Plant Physiology, Volume 177, Number 3, p.990-1006, (2018)
Carbon footprint and fossil energy consumption of bio-ethanol fuel production from Arundo donax L. crops on marginal lands of Southern Italy,
, Energy, Volume 150, p.222-235, (2018)
Carbon powder material obtained from an innovative high pressure water jet recycling process of tires used as anode in alkali ion (Li, Na) batteries,
, Solid State Ionics, Volume 324, p.20-27, (2018)
Cells and electropulsation microchambers modeling for linear and nonlinear optical microspectroscopy,
, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Volume 2018-June, p.899-902, (2018)
Ceramic Membranes for the Separation of Plasma Enhancement Gases,
, InterCeram: International Ceramic Review, Volume 67, Number 6, p.8-13, (2018)
Cerium oxide nanoparticles reestablish cell integrity checkpoints and apoptosis competence in irradiated HaCaT cells via novel redox-independent activity,
, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Volume 9, Number OCT, (2018)
Characterization of a portable and low cost system for practical dielectric spectroscopy,
, MeMeA 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings, (2018)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases related to outdoor PM10, O3, SO2, and NO2 in a heavily polluted megacity of Iran,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Number 18, p.17726-17734, (2018)
Clinical and genomic safety of treatment with Ginkgo biloba L. leaf extract (IDN 5933/Ginkgoselect®Plus) in elderly: A randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial [GiBiEx],
, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 18, Number 1, (2018)
Combined statistical techniques for the water quality analysis of a natural wetland and evaluation of the potential implementation of a FWS for the area restoration: the Torre Flavia case study, Italy,
, Ecological Indicators, Volume 84, p.244-253, (2018)
Combining Wolbachia-induced sterility and virus protection to fight Aedes albopictus-borne viruses,
, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Volume 12, Number 7, (2018)
Comparing ancient quarries in stable and slowly uplifting coastal area located in Eastern Sicily, Italy,
, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Volume 41, Number 2, p.81-92, (2018)
Comparison between delay and sum and range migration algorithms for image reconstruction in through-the-wall radar imaging systems,
, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, Volume 2, Number 4, p.270–276, (2018)
Comparison of different methods for dielectric properties measurements in liquid sample media,
, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume 28, Number 3, (2018)
Compensating for Density Effect in Permittivity-Based Moisture Content Measurements on Historic Masonry Materials,
, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, MetroArchaeo 2018 - Proceedings, p.396–400, (2018)
Condensational growth assisted Venturi scrubber for soot particles emissions control,
, Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 175, p.76-89, (2018)
Correction to: Strict anaerobic side-stream reactor: effect of the sludge interchange ratio on sludge reduction in a biological nutrient removal process (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2018), 25, 2, (1243-1256), 10.1007/s11356-017-0448-6),
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Number 2, p.1257-1258, (2018)
Correction to: The multiple slope discontinuity beam element for nonlinear analysis of RC framed structures (Meccanica, (2018), 53, 6, (1469-1490), 10.1007/s11012-018-0817-3),
, Meccanica, Volume 53, Number 6, p.1491, (2018)