Produzione scientifica
Found 7569 results
Electrocution and containment methods to reduce the activity of red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus, OL.),
, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Volume 18, Number 4, p.1-12, (2020)
Embedding a Critical Temperature Indicator in a High-Frequency Passive RFID Transponder,
, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, Volume 4, Number 3, p.256-264, (2020)
Energy demands of buildings in the framework of climate change: An investigation across Europe,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 60, (2020)
Enhancing Biomass and Lutein Production From Scenedesmus almeriensis: Effect of Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Culture Medium Reuse,
Environmental Fate of Antibiotics and Resistance Genes in Livestock Waste and Digestate from Biogas Plants,
, Enviro Sci Pollu Res Mang: ESPRM, Volume 102, (2020)
Environmental sustainability of typical agro-food products: A scientifically sound and user friendly approach,
, New Medit, Volume 19, Number 2, p.69-83, (2020)
Epidemiological derivation of flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in European forests,
, JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Volume 31, p.1509–1519, (2020)
Epileptic seizures and oxidative stress in a mouse model over‑expressing spermine oxidase,
, Amino Acids, Jan-02-2020, Volume 52, Issue 2, p.129 - 139, (2020)
Essential oil of Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi subsp. nepeta is a potential control agent for some postharvest fruit diseases,
, ORGANIC AGRICULTURE, 03/2019, Volume 10, Issue March 2020, p.14, (2020)
The establishment of a rearing technique for the fruit fly parasitoid Baryscapus silvestrii increases knowledge of biological, ecological and behavioural traits,
, BioControl, Volume 65, Number 1, p.47-57, (2020)
Estimation of solar and wind energy resources over Lesotho and their complementarity by means of WRF yearly simulation at high resolution,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 158, p.114-129, (2020)
Eumelanin precursor 2-carboxy-5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHICA) as doping factor in ternary (PEDOT:PSS/Eumelanin) thin films for conductivity enhancement,
, Materials, Volume 13, Number 9, (2020)
The European Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP): 25 years of monitoring data exchange,
, Earth System Science Data, Volume 12, Number 1, p.109-118, (2020)
European radiometry buoy and infrastructure (EURYBIA): A contribution to the design of the European copernicus infrastructure for ocean colour system vicarious calibration,
, Remote Sensing, Volume 12, (2020)
Evaluation of automotive shredder residues (ASR) landfill behavior through lysimetric and traditional leaching tests,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 27, Number 12, p.13360-13369, (2020)
Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, Volume 5, (2020)
Evaporated MoOx as general back-side hole collector for solar cells,
, Coatings, Volume 10, Number 8, (2020)
Evolution of Mediterranean Sea water properties under climate change scenarios in the Med-CORDEX ensemble,
, Climate Dynamics, (2020)
Exploring sources of uncertainty in premature mortality estimates from fine particulate matter: The case of China,
Exploring the dunes: the correlations between vegetation cover pattern and morphology for sediment retention assessment using airborne multisensor acquisition,
, Remote Sensing, Jan-04-2020, Volume 12, Issue 8, p.1229, (2020)
Exposure of the SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells to 50-Hz Magnetic Field: Comparison Between Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) In Vitro Cultures,
, Molecular Neurobiology, (2020)
Expression of a functional recombinant human glycogen debranching enzyme (hGDE) in N. benthamiana plants and in hairy root cultures,
, Protein and Peptide Letters, Volume 27, Number 2, p.145-157, (2020)
Fifteen years of airborne particulates in vitro toxicology in milano: Lessons and perspectives learned,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 21, Number 7, (2020)
The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on ground-based atmospheric CO 2 measurements: Atmospheric CO 2 anomaly,
, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Feb-10-2022, Volume 375, Issue 1810, Number 1810, p.20190513, (2020)
A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 55, Number 1-2, p.3 – 34, (2020)