Produzione scientifica
Found 7569 results
On the atmospheric ozone monitoring methodologies,
Atomic structure of potato virus X, the prototype of the Alphaflexiviridae family,
, Nature Chemical Biology, Jan-05-2020, Volume 16, Issue 5, p.564 - 569, (2020)
Behavior of compacted magnesium-based powders for energy-storage applications,
, Inorganics, Volume 8, Number 10, p.1-12, (2020)
Benthic diversity patterns and predictors: A study case with inferences for conservation,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 150, (2020)
The BIOCEM project: The industrial valorization of a patent through the “Proof of concept” program,
, International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, Volume 15, Number 6, p.821-827, (2020)
Biocidal activity of phyto-derivative products used on phototrophic biofilms growing on stone surfaces of the domus Aurea in Rome (Italy),
, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 10, Number 18, (2020)
Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to bioethanol and biobutanol,
, Lignocellulosic Biomass to Liquid Biofuels, p.67 - 125, (2020)
Bio-economics of Indian hybrid Bt cotton and farmer suicides,
, Environmental Sciences Europe, Volume 32, Number 1, (2020)
Bioinformatics resources for plant abiotic stress responses: State of the art and opportunities in the fast evolving-omics era,
, PLANTS, Volume 9, Number 5, (2020)
Cancer-host battles: measures and countermeasures in radiation-induced caspase activation and tumor immunogenicity,
, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, (2020)
Carbon Dioxide Time Series Analysis: A New Methodological Approach for Event Screening Categorisation,
, Springer INdAM Series, Volume 38, p.201-209, (2020)
Carotenoid biofortification in crop plants: citius, altius, fortius,
, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, Volume 1865, Number 11, (2020)
Catalytic pyrolysis of a residual plastic waste using zeolites produced by coal fly ash,
, Catalysts, Volume 10, Number 10, p.1-17, (2020)
Challenges and limitations of the 210Pb sediment dating method: Results from an IAEA modelling interlaboratory comparison exercise,
, Quaternary Geochronology, Volume 59, (2020)
Changes in fleece characteristics of yearling Chinese Alashan Left Banner White Cashmere goat,
, Small Ruminant Research, Jan-01-2020, Volume 182, p.1 - 4, (2020)
Characterization of Celiac Disease-Related Epitopes and Gluten Fractions, and Identification of Associated Loci in Durum Wheat,
, Agronomy, Jan-09-2020, Volume 10, Issue 9, p.1231, (2020)
Characterization of snowfall estimated by in situ and ground-based remote-sensing observations at Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Antarctica,
, Journal of Glaciology, Jan-12-2020, Volume 66, Issue 260, Number 260, p.1006 - 1023, (2020)
Chemical contamination can promote turnover diversity of benthic prokaryotic assemblages: The case study of the Bagnoli-Coroglio bay (southern Tyrrhenian Sea),
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 160, p.105040, (2020)
Circular economy good practices supporting waste prevention: The case of Emilia-Romagna Region,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 19, Number 10, p.1701-1710, (2020)
Citrus as a multifunctional crop to promote new bio-products and valorize the supply chain,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 19, Number 10, p.1869-1889, (2020)
Classifying aerosol particles through the combination of optical and physical-chemical properties: Results from a wintertime campaign in Rome (Italy),
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 235, (2020)
Climate-driven vulnerability and risk perception: implications for climate change adaptation in rural Mexico,
, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, apr, Volume 10, Number 3, p.290-302, (2020)
CMIP6/PMIP4 simulations of the mid-Holocene and Last Interglacial using HadGEM3: Comparison to the pre-industrial era, previous model versions and proxy data,
, Climate of the Past, Volume 16, Number 4, p.1429 – 1450, (2020)