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The host range and impact of Aceria angustifoliae (Eriophyidae), a potential biological control agent against Russian olive, Elaeagnus angustifoliae (Elaeagnaceae) in North America

TitoloThe host range and impact of Aceria angustifoliae (Eriophyidae), a potential biological control agent against Russian olive, Elaeagnus angustifoliae (Elaeagnaceae) in North America
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2019
AutoriWeyl, P., Asadi G.A., Cristofaro M., Vidović B., Petanović R., Marini F., and Schaffner U.
RivistaBiocontrol Science and Technology
Parole chiaveAcari, Aceria, Elaeagnaceae, Elaeagnus, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Eriophyidae

Russian Olive, Elaeagnus angustifolia was introduced into North America primarily as a wind break and shade tree. Today it is listed as a noxious weed in the U.S. and Canada. During field surveys in the native range, the eriophyid mite, Aceria angustifoliae was identified as a promising biological control agent. Results from no-choice and open-field tests suggest that this is a highly specialized herbivore and that the risk to non-target plants in North America is negligible. The impact study revealed significant reductions in fruit set, which will likely translate to a reduction in long-distance dispersal in the invaded range. © 2019, © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


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Citation KeyWeyl2019