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Nenna, G., Maglione M G., Morvillo P., Fasolino T., De Girolamo Del Mauro A., Ricciardi R., et al. (2021). PHOTOMETRIC STATION FOR IN-VITRO DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS USING ORGANICBASED OPTO-ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND PHOTONIC CRYSTALS. International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. 632.
Bobeico, E., Mercaldo L.V., Morvillo P., Usatii I., Noce M.D., Lancellotti L., et al. (2020). Evaporated MoOx as general back-side hole collector for solar cells. Coatings. 10,
Morvillo, P., Ricciardi R., Bobeico E., & Minarini C. (2016). Insight into the current output of polymer solar cells: A comparison between the standard and inverted architecture. IET Conference Publications. 2016,
Morvillo, P., Diana R., Nenna G., Bobeico E., Ricciardi R., & Minarini C. (2016). High performance inverted polymer solar cells with solution processed metal oxides as electron transport layers: A comparative study. Thin Solid Films. 617, 126-132.
Morvillo, P., Ricciardi R., Nenna G., Bobeico E., Diana R., & Minarini C. (2016). Elucidating the origin of the improved current output in inverted polymer solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 152, 51-58.