Produzione Scientifica
Found 7537 results
Treatment of a simulated textile wastewater containing the azo-dye reactive orange 16 in an anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor,
, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Volume 64, Number 7, p.676-681, (2010)
Trophic relationships at intrannual spatial and temporal scales of macro and megafauna around a submarine canyon off the Catalonian coast (western Mediterranean),
, Journal of Sea Research, Volume 63, Number 3-4, p.180-190, (2010)
Trophodynamic effects of trawling on the feeding ecology of pandora, pagellus erythrinus, off the northern sicily coast (Mediterranean Sea),
, Marine and Freshwater Research, Volume 61, Number 4, p.408-417, (2010)
Tropospheric halocompounds and nitrous oxide monitored at a remote site in the Mediterranean,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Number 38, p.4944-4953, (2010)
The twentieth century african easterly waves in reanalysis systems and IPCC simulations, from intra-seasonal to inter-annual variability,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 35, Number 6, p.1099-1117, (2010)
Tyrrhenian Sea circulation and water mass fluxes in spring 2004: Observations and model results,
, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Jan-01-2010, Volume 115, Issue C6, Number 6, (2010)
Ultrastructural alterations induced by tropospheric ozone: Comparison between resistant and sensitive clones of Trifolium repens L. CV. Regal,
, International Journal of Environment and Health, Volume 4, Number 2-3, p.260-277, (2010)
Upper layer current variability in the Central Ligurian Sea,
, Ocean Science, Volume 6, Number 4, p.825-836, (2010)
Upper ocean layer dynamics and response to atmospheric forcing in the Terra Nova Bay polynya, Antarctica,
, Antarctic Science, Volume 22, Number 3, p.319-329, (2010)
Urban and agricultural soil ecotoxicity and heavy metal contamination,
, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 8 B, p.1749-1755, (2010)
Use of essential oil of Laurus nobilis obtained by means of a supercritical carbon dioxide technique against post harvest spoilage fungi,
, Crop Protection, Volume 29, Number 2, p.142-147, (2010)
Use of Incinerator Bottom Ash for Frit Production,
, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 14, Number 2, p.200-216, (2010)
UV cross-linked, lithium-conducting ternary polymer electrolytes containing ionic liquids,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Number 18, p.6130-6137, (2010)
Validation of simulated atmospheric fields for air quality modeling purposes in Italy,
, HARMO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p.609-613, (2010)
Valorizzazione commerciale del siero di latte bufalino nel rispetto dell’ambiente,
, Alimenta, 2010, Volume 18, p.115 - 120, (2010)
Water quality and relationship between superficial and ground water in Rome (Aniene river basin, central Italy),
, Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 60, Number 6, p.1267-1279, (2010)
Water quality and soil natural salinity in the southern Imera Basin (Sicily, Italy).,
, Ital. J. Agron., 06/2010, Volume 3, p.89, (2010)
Water quality and soil natural salinity in the Southern Imera basin (Sicily, Italy),
, Italian Journal of Agronomy, Volume 5, Number 3 SUPPL, p.81-89, (2010)
Water vapour distribution at urban scale using high-resolution numerical weather model and spaceborne SAR interferometric data,
, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Volume 10, Number 1, p.121 – 132, (2010)
A wire patch cell exposure system for in vitro experiments at wi-fi frequencies,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 58, Number 12 PART 2, p.4086-4093, (2010)
A Wire Patch Cell for "in vitro" exposure at the Wi-Fi frequencies,
, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.772-775, (2010)
Zea mays (L) in areas with different anthropic pollution sources: Relations between toxic element contents in soils and vegetable tissues,
, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 3, p.526-536, (2010)
γ Ray dosimetry and mating capacity studies in the laboratory on aedes albopictus males,
, Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 47, Number 4, p.581-591, (2010)
AB5/ABS composite material for hydrogen storage,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Number 10, p.4592-4596, (2009)
Abundance, temporal distribution and zonation patterns of talitrids on two apulian sandy beaches (Southern Italy),
, Vie et Milieu, 2009///, Volume 59, p.7 - 20, (2009)