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Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 42 39 38 45 49 56 52 43 67 41 3 475
Presentazione a Congresso 7 5 9 7 4 4 5 3 1 1 46
Atti di Congresso 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 15
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 1 4 3 1 9
Brevetto 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 14
Monografia 1 4 3 5 3 2 4 22
Miscellanea 2 1 1 4
Rivista 1 1
Manoscritto 2 2
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Tesi 1 1
Totale 55 54 59 60 59 67 64 53 74 50 3 598
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Perrotta, G., Donini M., Demurtas O C., Mengoni A., De Rossi P., Del Fiore A., et al. (2017).  Integration of multi-omics data for biomarker identification of food safety and quality. Science within Food: Up-to-date Advances on Research and Educational Ideas. 152.
Vadrucci, M., Borgognoni F., Calvitti M., Moretti R., & Picardi L. (2017).  Treatment volume of aedes albopictus with X Rays generated from electrons. 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLES 2017. 795-801.
Borgognoni, F., Vadrucci M., Bazzano G., Ferrari P., Massa S., Moretti R., et al. (2017).  X-ray sterilization of insects and microorganisms for cultural heritage applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 406, 309-313.
Cillis, D., Pezzuolo A., Marinello F., Basso B., Colonna N., Furlan L., et al. (2017).  Conservative Precision Agriculture: an assessment of technical feasibility and energy efficiency within the LIFE+ AGRICARE project. Advances in Animal Biosciences. 8(2), 439 - 443.
Leonardo, A., Christian C., Donato C., Colonna N., Colucci F., Matteo D. Sanctis, et al. (2017).  Innovative cropping systems for a climate smart agriculture. 48.
Zizzo, G., Beccali M., Bonomolo M., Di Pietra B., Ippolito M.G., La Cascia D., et al. (2017).  A feasibility study of some DSM enabling solutions in small islands: The case of Lampedusa. Energy. 140, 1030-1046.
Beccali, M., Bonomolo M., Di Pietra B., Ippolito M.G., La Cascia D., Leone G P., et al. (2017).  Characterization of a small Mediterranean island end-users’ electricity consumption: The case of Lampedusa. Sustainable Cities and Society. 35, 1-12.
Di Gregorio, L., Tandoi V., Congestri R., Rossetti S., & others (2017).  Seasonal Diversity Of Phototrophic Biofilms In Cooling Towers. Eurobiofilms 2017, 5th European Congress on Microbial Biofilms.
Di Gregorio, L., Tandoi V., Congestri R., Rossetti S., & Di Pippo F. (2017).  Unravelling the core microbiome of biofilms in cooling tower systems. Biofouling. 33, 793–806.
Di Pippo, F., de Tora F., Di Gregorio L., Buccolini M., Capocecera R., Rossetti S., et al. (2017).  Green bio-dispersant removal efficacy estimation for controlling biofilms in cooling towers. Annals of Microbiology. 67, 779–784.
Di Gregorio, L., Tandoi V., Congestri R., Rossetti S., & Di Pippo F. (2017).  Unravelling The Biofilm Core Microbiome In Cooling Tower Systems. Eurobiofilms 2017, 5th European Congress on Microbial Biofilms.
Petta, L., De Gisi S., Casella P., Farina R., & Notarnicola M. (2017).  Evaluation of the treatability of a winery distillery (vinasse) wastewater by UASB, anoxic-aerobic UF-MBR and chemical precipitation/adsorption. Journal of Environmental Management. 201, 177-189.
De Gisi, S., Casella P., Cellamare C.M., Ferraris M., Petta L., & Notarnicola M. (2017).  Wastewater Reuse. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies. 53-68.
Ferri, D., Ubaldi C., Marcozzi G., Fasciani P., Bacchetta L., & Pace L. (2017).  Chemical characterization of Narcissus poeticus from sirente-velino (apennines-Italy): Galantamine accumulation and distribution of allergenic compounds in the flower. Natural Product Communications. 12, 15-18.
Kyriakoudi, A., Kouzounis D., Zoani C., Zappa G., & Tsimidou M.Z. (2017).  The importance of Metrofood Ri for/in the development of the agrofood sector in the South Eastern European (SEE) partner countries. 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. 200-203.
Dóka, O., Brunori A., Schmidt R., Bicanic D., & Végvári G. (2017).  Rutin in buckwheat grain meal determined by UV photoacoustic spectroscopy and HPLC. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica. 16, 61-67.
D'Esposito, D., Ferriello F., Molin A.D., Diretto G., Sacco A., Minio A., et al. (2017).  Unraveling the complexity of transcriptomic, metabolomic and quality environmental response of tomato fruit. BMC Plant Biology. 17,
Sulli, M., Mandolino G., Sturaro M., Onofri C., Diretto G., Parisi B., et al. (2017).  Molecular and biochemical characterization of a potato collection with contrasting tuber carotenoid content. PLoS ONE. 12, e0184143.
Chitchumroonchokchai, C., Diretto G., Parisi B., Giuliano G., & Failla M.L. (2017).  Potential of golden potatoes to improve vitamin A and vitamin E status in developing countries. PLoS ONE. 12,
Capodicasa, C., Catellani M., Moscetti I., Bromuro C., Chiani P., Torosantucci A., et al. (2017).  Comparative analysis of plant-produced, recombinant dimeric IgA against cell wall β-glucan of pathogenic fungi. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 114, 2729-2738.
Ambrico, A., & Trupo M. (2017).  Efficacy of cell free supernatant from Bacillus subtilis ET-1, an Iturin A producer strain, on biocontrol of green and gray mold. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 134, 5 - 10.
Negroni, A., Colantoni E., Pierdomenico M., Palone F., Costanzo M., Oliva S., et al. (2017).  RIP3 AND pMLKL promote necroptosis-induced inflammation and alter membrane permeability in intestinal epithelial cells. Digestive and Liver Disease. 49, 1201-1210.
Nobili, C., Brunori A., Chitarrini G., De Acutis A., & Reverberi M. (2017).  Buckwheat antioxidant profile modulates aspergillus flavus AFB1 production, In Vitro. 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. 381-384.
Alexandre, J., Tangni E.K., Zoani C., Donard O., Zappa G., & Van Loco J. (2017).  Metrofood-RI: Inventory of the facilities and organization of the physical infrastructure. 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. 193-196.
Ogrinc, N., Zappa G., Zoani C., Donard O.F.X., & Saby F. (2017).  Development and delivery of a pilot service for the physical infrastructure of metrofood-RI. 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. 199.
Ogrinc, N., Zappa G., Zoani C., & Pucci E. (2017).  Development of new multipurpose-reference materials of rice grains and rice flour. 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. 109-112.
Donatelli, A., Cuna D., Tagliente M.A., Protopapa M L., Mevoli A., Aversa P., et al. (2017).  Effect of treatments on the aging behaviour of hemp fibres for building construction in the Mediterranean Area. Journal of Building Engineering. 11, 37-47.
Brunori, A., Balducchi R., Colonna N., Dalmastri C., & Nobili C. (2017).  Perdite e sprechi alimentari nella filiera cerealicola. Molini d’Italia. 70-78.
Novelli, F., Vadrucci M., Rosado M. Manuela, Picardi L., Benvenuto E., & Pioli C. (2017).  EFFECTS OF IN VIVO PROTON IRRADIATION ON MOUSE T AND B LYMPHOCYTES. RAD Association Journal. 2(3), 
Marusic, C., Pioli C., Stelter S., Novelli F., Lonoce C., Morrocchi E., et al. (2017).  N-glycan engineering of a plant-produced anti-CD20-hIL-2 immunocytokine significantly enhances its effector functions. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 115, 565-576.
Bragonzi, A., Paroni M., Pirone L., Coladarci I., Ascenzioni F., & Bevivino A. (2017).  Environmental Burkholderia cenocepacia Strain Enhances Fitness by Serial Passages during Long-Term Chronic Airways Infection in Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 18(11), 
Perrotta, G., Donini M., Demurtas O C., Mengoni A., De Rossi P., Del Fiore A., et al. (2017).  Integration of multi- omics data for biomarker identification of food safety and quality. Food Science Book Series 2017. Edition "Science within Food: Up-to-date Advances on Research and Educational Ideas". Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas. ,
Bacci, G., Mengoni A., Fiscarelli E., Segata N., Taccetti G., Dolce D., et al. (2017).  A Different Microbiome Gene Repertoire in the Airways of Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Severe Lung Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 18(8), 
Bevivino, A., & Dalmastri C. (2017).  Impact of agricultural land management on soil bacterial community: A case study in the Mediterranean area.. Soil biological communities and ecosystem resilience, Springer Series "Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection. 77-95.
Molino, A., Migliori M., Blasi A., Davoli M., Marino T., Chianese S., et al. (2017).  Municipal waste leachate conversion via catalytic supercritical water gasification process. Fuel. 206, 155-161.
De Gisi, S., Molino A., & Notarnicola M. (2017).  Enhancing the recovery of gypsum in limestone-based wet flue gas desulfurization with high energy ball milling process: A feasibility study. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 109, 117-129.
Lazebnik, J., Arpaia S., Baldacchino F., Banzato P., Moliterni S., Vossen J.H., et al. (2017).  Effects of a genetically modified potato on a non-target aphid are outweighed by cultivar differences. Journal of Pest Science. 90, 1-10.
Massa, S., Paolini F., Curzio G., Cordeiro M.N., Illiano E., Demurtas O C., et al. (2017).  A plant protein signal sequence improved humoral immune response to HPV prophylactic and therapeutic DNA vaccines. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 13, 271-282.
Paolini, F., Curzio G., Cordeiro M.N., Massa S., Mariani L., Pimpinelli F., et al. (2017).  HPV 16 E5 oncoprotein is expressed in early stage carcinogenesis and can be a target of immunotherapy. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 13, 291-297.
Negroni, A., Colantoni E., Vitali R., Palone F., Pierdomenico M., Costanzo M., et al. (2016).  NOD2 induces autophagy to control AIEC bacteria infectiveness in intestinal epithelial cells. Inflamm Res. 65(10), 803-13.
Di Caprio, F., Visca A., Altimari P., Toro L., Masciocchi B., Iaquaniello G., et al. (2016).  Two stage process of microalgae cultivation for starch and carotenoid production. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 49, 415–420.
Stronati, L., Cesi V., Costanzo M., Palone F., Pierdomenico M., Colantoni E., et al. (2016).  Omega 3, Lactobacillus reuteri and vitamin D collaborate in diminishing gut inflammation. Digestive and Liver Disease. 48, e267.
Fantini, E., & Giuliano G. (2016).  Virus-induced gene silencing as a tool to study Tomato Fruit Biochemistry. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1363, 65-78.
Letardi, A., & Baldacchino F. (2016).  Valorizzare i predatori per salvaguardare la biodiversità vegetale: il caso Chrysoperla carnea sl. 11° Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità.
Baldacchino, F., Urru I., Errico S., Magarelli R. Alessandra, Mazzei A., Brandmayr P., et al. (2016).  Analisi della Carabidofauna in coltura di patata per la selezione di specie indicatrici di stress antropici.
Letardi, A., Tabilio M. Rosaria, Toth M., Lamaj F., Ibrahim A., & Baldacchino F. (2016).  Valorizzare i predatori per salvaguardare la biodiversità vegetale: il caso Chrysoperla carnea s.l..
Molina, G., Teich I., Antonini M., Renieri C., La Terza A., & Balzarini M. (2016).  Spatial structure of skin follicles in Suri and Huacaya alpacas. Small Ruminant Research. 140, 22-26.
Antonini, M., Wang J., Lou Y., Tang P., Renieri C., Pazzaglia I., et al. (2016).  Effects of year and sampling site on mean fibre diameter of Alashan cashmere goat. Small Ruminant Research. 137, 71-72.
d'Aquino, L., & Tommasi F. (2016).  Rare earth elements and microorganisms. Rare Earth Elements in Human and Environmental Health: At the Crossroads Between Toxicity and Safety. 127-141.