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Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Presentazione a Congresso 7 5 9 7 4 4 5 3 1 1 46
Brevetto 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 14
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 42 39 38 45 49 56 52 43 67 41 3 475
Monografia 1 4 3 5 3 2 4 22
Atti di Congresso 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 15
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 1 4 3 1 9
Miscellanea 2 1 1 4
Rivista 1 1
Manoscritto 2 2
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Tesi 1 1
Totale 55 54 59 60 59 67 64 53 74 50 3 598
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Xu, Z., Xu Z., Pu X., Gao R., Demurtas O C., Fleck S.J., et al. (2020).  Tandem gene duplications drive divergent evolution of caffeine and crocin biosynthetic pathways in plants. BMC Biology. 18, 1–14.
Zheng, X., Giuliano G., & Al-Babili S. (2020).  Carotenoid biofortification in crop plants: citius, altius, fortius. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 1865,
Nocelli, C., Cappelli K., Capomaccio S., Pascucci L., Mercati F., Pazzaglia I., et al. (2020).  Shedding light on cashmere goat hair follicle biology: From morphology analyses to transcriptomic landascape. BMC Genomics. 21,
Pallotti, S., Valbonesi A., Yujie L., Jiyuan Y., Peirong T., & Antonini M. (2020).  Postnatal development of the skin follicle population in the chinese alashan left banner white cashmere goat. Small Ruminant Research. 185,
Franconi, R., Giuliano G., Marino C., Demurtas O C., & Triggiani D. (2020).  Composto per il Trattamento di una Glicogenosi.
Nitiema, L. W., Sombié P. A. E. D., Koala M., & Del Fiore A. (2020).  Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Balanites aegyptiaca, Securidaca longepedunculata and Acacia gourmaensis Used against Seed-borne Fungi in Burkina Faso. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 79 - 87.
Santoni, F., Gugliermetti L., Piras G., De Pascale S., Pannico A., Piergentili F., et al. (2020).  GreenCube: Microgreens cultivation and growth monitoring on-board a 3U cubesat. 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2020 - Proceedings. 130-135.
Marzioli, P., Gugliermetti L., Santoni F., Delfini A., Piergentili F., Nardi L., et al. (2020).  CultCube: Experiments in autonomous in-orbit cultivation on-board a 12-Units CubeSat platform. Life Sciences in Space Research. 25, 42-52.
Alessi, R.R., Cherchi M.V., Metelli G., Marzioli P., Gugliermetti L., Nardi L., et al. (2020).  Lunar greenhouse cultivation activities through virtual reality simulation: V-GELM project. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. 2020-October,
Curiano, F., Gugliermetti L., Amadio D., Frezza L., Marzioli P., Di Palo L., et al. (2020).  In-orbit autonomous laboratory for microgreens cultivation on a nano-satellite: GreenCube mission. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. 2020-October,
Miceli, V. (2020).  Biocosì: come diminuire l’uso della plastica e del packaging.
Colonna, N. (2020).  La diffusione di sistemi di raccolta e conservazione dell’acqua piovana: una valida opzione per le piccole imprese agricole familiari. GEOTEMA.
Pollino, M., Lodato F., & Colonna N. (2020).  Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urban and Natural Areas in the Northern Littoral Zone of Rome. (Gervasi, O., & Murgante B., Ed.).12253, 567 - 575.
Beccali, M., Leone G P., Zizzo G., Bonomolo M., Pietra B.D., & Monteleone F. (2020).  Alternative energy storage options for heat pump water heater coupled with photovoltaic plant for domestic hot water production. Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019. 1334-1344.
Molino, A., Mehariya S., Iovine A., Casella P., Marino T., Karatza D., et al. (2020).  Enhancing Biomass and Lutein Production From Scenedesmus almeriensis: Effect of Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Culture Medium Reuse. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 11,
Catellani, M., Lico C., Cerasi M., Massa S., Bromuro C., Torosantucci A., et al. (2020).  Optimised production of an anti-fungal antibody in Solanaceae hairy roots to develop new formulations against Candida albicans. BMC BIOTECHNOLOGY. 20,
Diretto, G., Frusciante S., Fabbri C., Schauer N., Busta L., Wang Z., et al. (2020).  Manipulation of β-carotene levels in tomato fruits results in increased ABA content and extended shelf life. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL. 18, 1185-1199.
Blasi, A., Fiorenza G., & Verardi A. (2020).  Hydrogen from biomass. Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes. 43 - 73.
Verardi, A., Lopresto C. Giovanna, Blasi A., Chakraborty S., & Calabrò V. (2020).  Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to bioethanol and biobutanol. Lignocellulosic Biomass to Liquid Biofuels. 67 - 125.
Marino, T., Casella P., Sangiorgio P., Verardi A., Ferraro A., Hristoforou E., et al. (2020).  Natural Beta-Carotene: a Microalgae Derivate for Nutraceutical Applications. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS (CET). 79, 103-108.
de Campos, M. Ribeiro, Béarez P., Amiens-Desneux E., Ponti L., Gutierrez A. Paul, Biondi A., et al. (2020).  Thermal biology of Tuta absoluta: demographic parameters and facultative diapause. Journal of Pest Science. 94, 829–842.
Fedrizzi, M., Pagano M., Guerrieri M., Tomasone R., Musmeci S., Arnone S., et al. (2020).  Electrocution and containment methods to reduce the activity of red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus, OL.). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 18, 1-12.
Sangiorgio, P., Verardi A., Spagnoletta A., Balducchi R., Leone G P., Pizzichini D., et al. (2020).  Citrus as a multifunctional crop to promote new bio-products and valorize the supply chain. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 19, 1869-1889.
Bilali, H.E., Calabrese G., Iannetta M., Stefanova M., Paoletti F., Ladisa G., et al. (2020).  Environmental sustainability of typical agro-food products: A scientifically sound and user friendly approach. New Medit. 19, 69-83.
Iovine, A., Leone G P., Larocca V., Di Sanzo G., Casella P., Marino T., et al. (2020).  Risk analysis of a supercritical fluid extraction plant using a safety software. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 79, 79-84.
Molino, A., Iovinea A., Leone G P., Di Sanzo G., Palazzo S., Martino M., et al. (2020).  Microalgae as alternative source of nutraceutical polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 79, 277-282.
Gutierrez, A.P., Ponti L., Kranthi K.R., Baumgärtner J., Kenmore P.E., Gilioli G., et al. (2020).  Correction to: Bio-economics of Indian hybrid Bt cotton and farmer suicides (Environmental Sciences Europe, (2020), 32, 1, (139), 10.1186/s12302-020-00406-6). Environmental Sciences Europe. 32,
Sciubba, F., Chronopoulou L., Pizzichini D., Lionetti V., Fontana C., Aromolo R., et al. (2020).  Olive mill wastes: A source of bioactive molecules for plant growth and protection against pathogens. Biology. 9, 1-20.
De Bari, I., Liuzzi F., Ambrico A., & Trupo M. (2020).  Arundo donax refining to second generation bioethanol and furfural. Processes. 8(12), 1-15.
de Campos, M.R., Béarez P., Amiens-Desneux E., Ponti L., Gutierrez A.P., Biondi A., et al. (2020).  Correction to: Thermal biology of Tuta absoluta: demographic parameters and facultative diapause (Journal of Pest Science, (2020), 10.1007/s10340-020-01286-8). Journal of Pest Science.
Sestili, F., Margiotta B., Vaccino P., Moscaritolo S., Giorgi D., Lucretti S., et al. (2020).  A cross between bread wheat and a 2D(2R) disomic substitution triticale line leads to the formation of a novel disomic addition line and provides information of the role of rye secalins on breadmaking characteristics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21, 1-18.
Koutika, L.-S., Fiore A., Tabacchioni S., Aprea G., Pereira A.P.A., & Bevivino A. (2020).  Influence of acacia mangium on soil fertility and bacterial community in eucalyptus plantations in the congolese coastal plains. Sustainability (Switzerland). 12, 1-21.
Negroni, A., Fiaschini N., Palone F., Vitali R., Colantoni E., Laudadio I., et al. (2020).  Intestinal Inflammation Alters the Expression of Hepatic Bile Acid Receptors Causing Liver Impairment. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 71(2), 189 - 196.
Franconi, R., Massa S., Paolini F., Vici P., & Venuti A. (2020).  Plant-derived natural compounds in genetic vaccination and therapy for HPV-associated cancers. Cancers. 12, 1-38.
Gutierrez, A.P., Ponti L., Kranthi K.R., Baumgärtner J., Kenmore P.E., Gilioli G., et al. (2020).  Bio-economics of Indian hybrid Bt cotton and farmer suicides. Environmental Sciences Europe. 32,
Raho, S., Carofiglio V.E., Montemurro M., Miceli V., Centrone D., Stufano P., et al. (2020).  Production of the polyhydroxyalkanoate PHBV from ricotta cheese exhausted whey by haloferax mediterranei fermentation. Foods. 9,
Negroni, A., Colantoni E., Cucchiara S., & Stronati L. (2020).  Necroptosis in intestinal inflammation and cancer: New concepts and therapeutic perspectives. Biomolecules. 10(10), 1-20.
Diaz, N., Lico C., Capodicasa C., Baschieri S., Dessì D., Benvenuto E., et al. (2020).  Production and Functional Characterization of a Recombinant Predicted Pore-Forming Protein (TVSAPLIP12) of Trichomonas vaginalis in Nicotiana benthamiana Plants. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10,
Pallotti, S., Pacheco C., Valbonesi A., & Antonini M. (2020).  A comparison of quality of the fleece and follicular activity between sheared and non-sheared yearling alpacas (Vicugna pacos). Small Ruminant Research. 192,
Mehariya, S., Sharma N., Iovine A., Casella P., Marino T., Larocca V., et al. (2020).  An integrated strategy for nutraceuticals from haematoccus pluvialis: From cultivation to extraction. Antioxidants. 9, 1-18.
Ambrico, A., Trupo M., Magarelli R. Alessandra, Balducchi R., Ferraro A., Hristoforou E., et al. (2020).  Effectiveness of dunaliella salina extracts against bacillus subtilis and bacterial plant pathogens. Pathogens. 9, 1-14.
Bacci, G., Taccetti G., Dolce D., Armanini F., Segata N., Di Cesare F., et al. (2020).  Untargeted metagenomic investigation of the airway microbiome of cystic fibrosis patients with moderate-severe lung disease. Microorganisms. 8(7), 1-18.
Thiyagarajan, K., Latini A., Cantale C., & Galeffi P. (2020).  Structural characterization of the DRF1 gene of Aegilops speltoides and comparison of its sequence with those of B and other Triticeae genomes. Euphytica. 216,
De Martinis, D., Rybicki E.P., Colonna N., Benvenuto E., & Llorente B. (2020).  Editorial: Next Generation Agriculture: Understanding Plant Life for Food, Health and Energy. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11,
Vilanova, S., Alonso D., Gramazio P., Plazas M., García-Fortea E., Ferrante P., et al. (2020).  SILEX: A fast and inexpensive high-quality DNA extraction method suitable for multiple sequencing platforms and recalcitrant plant species. Plant Methods. 16,
Freda, F., Masi M., Kashefi J., Cristofaro M., Musmeci S., & Evidente A. (2020).  Acaricidal activity of the plant sesquiterpenoids α-costic acid and inuloxin A against the cattle ectoparasitic tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus. International Journal of Acarology.
Tolaini, V., De Rossi P., Del Fiore A., Mancini L., Stamigna C., Cuna D., et al. (2020).  Alternative exploitation of Cynara spp. biodiversity in a bioeconomy context. Acta Horticulturae. 1284, 41-45.
Tolaini, V., Ciancolini A., Crinò P., Capuzzi L., & Bastioli C. (2020).  Development of cardoon male sterile clones. Acta Horticulturae. 1284, 47-50.
Cure, J.R., Rodriguez D., Gutierrez A.P., & Ponti L. (2020).  The coffee agroecosystem: bio-economic analysis of coffee berry borer control (Hypothenemus hampei). Scientific Reports. 10(1), 
Casella, P., Iovine A., Mehariya S., Marino T., Musmarra D., & Molino A. (2020).  Smart method for carotenoids characterization in haematococcus pluvialis red phase and evaluation of astaxanthin thermal stability. Antioxidants. 9,