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Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Presentazione a Congresso 7 5 9 7 4 4 5 3 1 1 46
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 42 39 38 45 49 56 52 43 67 40 2 473
Capitolo di Monografia 1 4 3 1 9
Atti di Congresso 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 15
Brevetto 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 14
Monografia 1 4 3 5 3 2 3 21
Report 1 1 1 3
Miscellanea 2 1 1 4
Rivista 1 1
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Manoscritto 2 2
Tesi 1 1
Totale 55 54 59 60 59 67 64 53 74 48 2 595
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Ponti, L. (2015).  Physiologically based demographic models streamline identification and collection of data in evidence-based pest risk assessment. BULLETIN OEPP. 45,
Ponti, L. (2015).  Invasion biology of spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii): a global perspective and future priorities. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE. 88,
Bacchetta, L., Del Fiore A., Di Giovanni B., Santi C., Tolaini V., Tronci C., et al. (2015).  Plant Genetic Resources for sustainability of agro industrial production. Energia Ambiente e Innovazione. 61, 91–92.
Bacchetta, L., Del Fiore A., Di Giovanni B., Padovani L. Maria, Santi C., Troiani V., et al. (2015).  Plant genetic resources for the sustainability of agro-industrial production. Energia Ambiente e Innovazione. 61, 47–48.
De Bari, I., Liuzzi F., Ambrico A., & Trupo M. (2015).  CONVERSION OF ARUNDO-DONAX HEMICELLULOSE TO BIOFUELS AND CHEMICALS. 23th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Ambrico, A., Trupo M., Balducchi R., Palazzo S., Logroio T., Albergo R., et al. (2015).  Impiego di antagonisti microbici nella lotta contro i marciumi della frutta in post-raccolta nell'ambito del progetto ORTOFRULOG. 57.
Zappa, G., & Zoani C. (2015).  Reference materials in support to food traceability. Agrochimica. 59, 304-318.
Bacchetta, L., Rovira M., Tronci C., Aramini M., Drogoudi P., Silva A.P., et al. (2015).  A multidisciplinary approach to enhance the conservation and use of hazelnut Corylus avellana L. genetic resources. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 62, 649-663.
Bacchetta, L., Rovira M., Tronci C., Aramini M., Drogoudi P., Silva A.P., et al. (2015).  Erratum to A multidisciplinary approach to enhance the conservation and use of hazelnut Corylus avellana L. genetic resources (Genet Resour Crop Evol, (2015), 10.1007/s10722-014-0173-7). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 62, 807-808.
Su, L., Diretto G., Purgatto E., Danoun S., Zouine M., Li Z., et al. (2015).  Carotenoid accumulation during tomato fruit ripening is modulated by the auxin-ethylene balance. BMC Plant Biology. 15,
Colonna, N., & L R. (2015).  Agriculture and Energy: a tight nexus. World food production. Facing growing needs and limited resources.. 203-228.
Fantin, V., Giuliano A., Manfredi M., Ottaviano G., Stefanova M., & Masoni P. (2015).  Environmental assessment of electricity generation from an Italian anaerobic digestion plant. Biomass and Bioenergy. 83, 422-435.
De Riccardis, M F., Carbone D., & Capodieci L. (2015).  Electrophoretically deposited polymeric films: Evidence of correlation between Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements and morphological properties. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 162, D3071-D3076.
Molino, A., & Braccio G. (2015).  Synthetic natural gas SNG production from biomass gasification - Thermodynamics and processing aspects. Fuel. 139, 425-429.
Chianese, S., Loipersböck J., Malits M., Rauch R., Hofbauer H., Molino A., et al. (2015).  Hydrogen from the high temperature water gas shift reaction with an industrial Fe/Cr catalyst using biomass gasification tar rich synthesis gas. Fuel Processing Technology. 132, 39-48.
Molino, A., Nanna F., & Iovane P. (2015).  Low pressure biomethane production by anaerobic digestion (AD) for the smart grid injection. Fuel. 154, 319-325.
Dritsou, V., Topalis P., Windbichler N., Simoni A., Hall A., Lawson D., et al. (2015).  A draft genome sequence of an invasive mosquito: An Italian Aedes albopictus. Pathogens and Global Health. 109, 207-220.
Cordeiro, M.N., Paolini F., Massa S., Curzio G., Illiano E., Silva A.J.D., et al. (2015).  Anti-tumor effects of genetic vaccines against HPV major oncogenes. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 11, 45-52.
Vadrucci, M., Bazzano G., Picardi L., Nenzi P., Ronsivalle C., Surrenti V., et al. (2015).  Proton irradiations of Micro-Tom red hairy roots to mimic space conditions. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015. 2249-2252.
Bissa, M., Illiano E., Pacchioni S., Paolini F., Zanotto C., C. Morghen D. Giuli, et al. (2015).  A prime/boost strategy using DNA/fowlpox recombinants expressing the genetically attenuated E6 protein as a putative vaccine against HPV-16-associated cancers. Journal of Translational Medicine. 13,
Algieri, L., Rosato R., Mosca M.E., Protopapa M L., Scalone A G., Di Benedetto F., et al. (2015).  Green light-emitting CdTe nanocrystals: Synthesis and optical characterizations. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 12, 147-152.
D'Urso, G., d'Aquino L., Pizza C., & Montoro P. (2015).  Integrated mass spectrometric and multivariate data analysis approaches for the discrimination of organic and conventional strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) crops. Food Research International. 77, 264-272.
De Gisi, S., Sabia G., Casella P., & Farina R. (2015).  An integrated approach for monitoring efficiency and investments of activated sludge-based wastewater treatment plants at large spatial scale. Science of the Total Environment. 523, 201-218.
Lopresto, V., Merla C., Pinto R., & Benvenuto E. (2015).  High-intensity static magnetic field exposure devices for in vitro experiments on biopharmaceutical plant factories in aerospace environments. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2015-November, 893-896.
Zappa, G., Zoani C., Liverani L., Rizzo A., Tammaro L., Terzi R., et al. (2015).  Feasibility study for the development of a Multiparameter-Reference Material for food contact material testing and characterization. XXI IMEKO World Congress "Measurement in Research and Industry".
Di Luccio, T., Carbone D., Masala S., Ramachandran K., & Kornfield J. (2015).  Synthesis of CdS nanocrystals in polymeric films studied by in-situ GID and GISAXS. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1810, 9-14.
Calvitti, M., Marini F., Desiderio A., Arianna P., & Moretti R. (2015).  Wolbachia Density and Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Aedes albopictus: Concerns with Using Artificial Wolbachia Infection as a Vector Suppression Tool.. PLOS ONE. 10, e0121813.
Lico, C., Benvenuto E., & Baschieri S. (2015).  The Two-Faced Potato Virus X: From Plant Pathogen to Smart Nanoparticle. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6:1009,
Papaleo, M. Cristiana, Fondi M., Maida I., Perrin E., Bevivino A., Dalmastri C., et al. (2015).  Analysis of a pool of small plasmids from soil heterotrophic cultivable bacterial communities. The Open Microbiology Journal. 9, 98-109.
Ponti, L., Calvitti M., Cristofaro M., Gilioli G., Bongi G., & Gutierrez A.P. (2015).  Xylella fastidiosa, mosca delle olive e cinipide del castagno:prospettive di controllo biologico e rischi per la biodiversità. Villa Fabbri, Osservatorio Regionale Umbro per la Biodiversità- Newsletter. n. 7 Giugno 2015, 14-19.
Calvitti, M. (2015).  Cosa occorre sapere sulla Xylella. Il Forestale. Anno XVI, n. 86, 18-21.
Calvitti, M., Moretti R., & Lampazzi E. (2015).  Controllo biologico delle specie aliene ed invasive in agricoltura. Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione. anno 61, 62-63.
P., D. Carli L. D., Perrotta G., Bevivino A., Bianco L., Capodicasa C., Caprioli R., et al. (2015).  Indicatori di qualità per la IV gamma. Ingredienti Alimentari. 78,
Altieri, M. A., Nicholls C. I., & Ponti L. (2015).  Agroecologia: una via percorribile per un pianeta in crisi. 336.
Ponti, L., Gutierrez A. Paul, & Altieri M. A. (2015).  Holistic approach in invasive species research: the case of the tomato leaf miner in the Mediterranean Basin. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 39, DOI 10.1080/21683565.2014.990074.
Giglioli, G., Pasquali S., Ponti L., & Calvitti M. (2015).  Modelling the potential distribution and abundance of Aedes albopictus in Europe in light of the climate change scenario. Impact of Environmental Changes on Infectious Diseases.
Iannetta, M., & Stefanova M. (2015).  On the use of environmental life cycle indicators for sustainability assessment of Mediterranean diets. Assessing Sustainable Diets Within The Sustainability of Food Systems. Mediterranean Diet, Organic Food: New Challenges.
Rocchini, D., Andreo V., Förster M., Garzon-Lopez C. Ximena, Gutierrez A. Paul, Gillespie T. W., et al. (2015).  Potential of remote sensing to predict species invasions: A modelling perspective. Progress in Physical Geography. 39, DOI 10.1177/0309133315574659.
Calvitti, M. (2015).  Sviluppo Sistemi Innovativi per la gestione sostenibile delle specie aliene invasive. Relazione ad invito: Parassiti e specie aliene invasive per le colture: necessità di una risposta integrata da parte della comunità scientifica..
Hehle, V.K., Lombardi R., van Dolleweerd C.J., Paul M.J., Di Micco P., Morea V., et al. (2015).  Site-specific proteolytic degradation of IgG monoclonal antibodies expressed in tobacco plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 13, 235 - 245.
Di Carli, M., De Rossi P., Paganin P., Del Fiore A., Lecce F., Capodicasa C., et al. (2015).  Bacterial community and proteome analysis of fresh-cut lettuce as affected by packaging. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 362,
Masci, S., Laino P., Janni M., Botticella E., Di Carli M., Benvenuto E., et al. (2015).  Analysis of Quality-Related Parameters in Mature Kernels of Polygalacturonase Inhibiting Protein (PGIP) Transgenic Bread Wheat Infected with Fusarium graminearum. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 63, 3962 - 3969.
Aliboni, A., Lona L., Felici C., Corsaro N., Izzo G., & De Luca E. (2015).  Analytical protocols for the determination of sulphur compounds characteristic of the metabolism of Chlorobium limicola. Analytical Chemistry Research. 5, 9 - 13.
Fantini, E., Gianese G., Giuliano G., & Fiore A. (2015).  Bacterial metabarcoding by 16S rRNA gene ion torrent amplicon sequencing.. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1231, 77-90.
Paganin, P., Fiscarelli E.V., Tuccio V., Chiancianesi M., Bacci G., Morelli P., et al. (2015).  Changes in cystic fibrosis airway microbial community associated with a severe decline in lung function. PLoS ONE. 10,
Carbone, M., M. Ciavatta L., De Rinaldis G., Castelluccio F., Mollo E., & Gavagnin M. (2014).  Identification of thuridillin-related aldehydes from Mediterranean sacoglossan mollusk Thuridilla hopei. Tetrahedron. 70(24), 3770 - 3773.
Carbone, M., M. Ciavatta L., De Rinaldis G., Castelluccio F., Mollo E., & Gavagnin M. (2014).  ChemInform Abstract: Identification of Thuridillin‐Related Aldehydes from Mediterranean Sacoglossan Mollusk Thuridilla hopei. ChemInform. 45(40), 
Fantin, V., Giuliano A., Ottaviano G., Stefanova M., Masoni P., & Manfredi M. (2014).  How can different models for calculating digestate emissions affect LCA results: the case of an Italian anaerobic digestion plan. Ecomondo. Green Economy: Ricerca, Innovazione, e Azioni Nel Mediterraneo ,
Santoro, A., Pini E., Scurti M., Palmas G., Berendsen A., Brzozowska A., et al. (2014).  Combating inflammaging through a Mediterranean whole diet approach: The NU-AGE project's conceptual framework and design. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 136-137, 3 – 13.
Proietto, M., De Angelis L., Visca A., Bianchi MM., Ballario P., & others (2014).  Abiotic signal transduction pathways in the classical eukaryotic model system: yeast.