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Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Sistemi Agroalimentari Sostenibili attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Capitolo di Monografia 1 4 3 1 9
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 42 39 38 45 49 56 52 43 67 41 3 475
Atti di Congresso 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 15
Presentazione a Congresso 7 5 9 7 4 4 5 3 1 1 46
Brevetto 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 14
Monografia 1 4 3 5 3 2 4 22
Report 1 1 1 3
Miscellanea 2 1 1 4
Rivista 1 1
Manoscritto 2 2
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Tesi 1 1
Totale 55 54 59 60 59 67 64 53 74 50 3 598
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Franconi, R., Massa S., & Venuti A. (2016).  Sequenza segnale di proteina vegetale come coadiuvante in vaccini a DNA.
Miceli, V. (2016).  La logica dell'economia circolare applicata alle fibre. Cosinterra.
Beccali, M., Ciulla I., Ippolito M.G., Cascia D.L., Leone G P., Brano V.L., et al. (2016).  ICT applications for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of a small mediterranean island. EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering.
Ponti, L., Gutierrez A. P., & Iannetta M. (2016).  Climate change and crop-pest dynamics in the Mediterranean Basin. COMITATO NAZIONALE PER LA RICERCA E PER LO SVILUPPO DELL'ENERGIA NUCLEARE E DELLE ENERGIE ALTERNATIVE. ENEA-RT/DISP.
Amelio, A., Van der Bruggen B., Lopresto C., Verardi A., Calabrò V., & Luis P. (2016).  Pervaporation membrane reactors: Biomass conversion into alcohols. Membrane Technologies for Biorefining. 331 - 381.
Verardi, A., Blasi A., de Bari I., & Calabrò V. (2016).  Steam pretreatment of Saccharum officinarum L. bagasse by adding of impregnating agents for advanced bioethanol production. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 134, 293 - 300.
Loizzo, M. Rosa, Tundis R., Bonesi M., Di Sanzo G., Verardi A., Lopresto C. Giovanna, et al. (2016).  Chemical Profile and Antioxidant Properties of Extracts and Essential Oils from Citrus × limon (L.) Burm. cv. Femminello Comune. Chem Biodivers . 13 (5), 571-81.
Sasso, R., Ponti L., Nobili P., Musmeci S., Moretti R., Letardi A., et al. (2016).  The ENEA center for the assessment and management of invasive species (ENEA-camis) as a node in the AnaEE distributed European research infrastructure. First Scientific User Forum of the Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnaEE).
De Martinis, D., Rybicki E.P., Fujiyama K., Franconi R., & Benvenuto E. (2016).  Editorial: Plant molecular farming: Fast, scalable, cheap, sustainable. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7,
Crinò, P., Correnti A., Farneti A., Tolaini V., Ciancolini A., Ardito L., et al. (2016).  Genetic diversity of cultivated cardoon to select high biomass producing genotypes. Acta Horticulturae. 1147, 57-60.
Tolaini, V., Del Fiore A., Nobili C., Presenti O., De Rossi P., Procacci S., et al. (2016).  Exploitation of Tartary buckwheat as sustainable ingredient for healthy foods production. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia . 8,
Kyriakoudi, A., Zoani C., Zappa G., & Tsimidou M.Z. (2016).  Development of analytical methodologies to determine the elemental profile of saffron for geographical origin assessment studies. 2nd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Promoting Objective and Measurable Food Quality and Safety. 316-320.
Brunori, A., Varga A., Ildikó S., & Végvári G. (2016).  Combined effect of heat treatment and humidity on the total polyphenol content of tartary buckwheat whole flour. Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle VI: Food Technology. 40, 135-140.
Alboresi, A., Perin G., Vitulo N., Diretto G., Block M., Jouhet J., et al. (2016).  Light remodels lipid biosynthesis in Nannochloropsis gaditana by modulating carbon partitioning between organelles. Plant Physiology. 171, 2468-2482.
Fasano, C., Diretto G., Aversano R., D'Agostino N., Di Matteo A., Frusciante L., et al. (2016).  Transcriptome and metabolome of synthetic Solanum autotetraploids reveal key genomic stress events following polyploidization. New Phytologist. 210, 1382-1394.
Giorgi, D., Pandozy G., Farina A., Grosso V., Lucretti S., Gennaro A., et al. (2016).  First detailed karyo-morphological analysis and molecular cytological study of leafy cardoon and globe artichoke, two multi-use Asteraceae crops. Comparative Cytogenetics. 10, 447-463.
Brunori, A., Nobili C., & Ferro S. (2016).  Toward the Use of Buckwheat as an Ingredient for the Preparation of Functional Food. Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat. 219-224.
Calvitti, M., Colonna N., & Iannetta M. (2016).  La relazione cambiamenti climatici e sistema agricolo: tra adattamento e mitigazione .
Costanzo, M., Cesi V., Prete E., Negroni A., Palone F., Cucchiara S., et al. (2016).  Krill oil reduces intestinal inflammation by improving epithelial integrity and impairing adherent-invasive Escherichia coli pathogenicity. Digestive and Liver Disease. 48, 34-42.
Thiyagarajan, K., Vitali F., Tolaini V., Galeffi P., Cantale C., Vikram P., et al. (2016).  Genomic characterization of phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene in buckwheat. PLoS ONE. 11,
Bacci, G., Paganin P., Lopez L., Vanni C., Dalmastri C., Cantale C., et al. (2016).  Pyrosequencing Unveils Cystic Fibrosis Lung Microbiome Differences Associated with a Severe Lung Function Decline. PLoS ONE. 11(6), 
Lico, C., Giardullo P., Mancuso M., Benvenuto E., Santi L., & Baschieri S. (2016).  A biodistribution study of two differently shaped plant virus nanoparticles reveals new peculiar traits.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 148, 431-439.
Blasi, A., Valerio V., Molino A., Verardi A., & Viola E. (2016).  Enhancing biodiesel production via heterogeneous catalysis transesterification by using physical processes: Microwave and ultrasound utilization. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. 2016, 1111-1114.
Chianese, S., Fail S., Binder M., Rauch R., Hofbauer H., Molino A., et al. (2016).  Experimental investigations of hydrogen production from CO catalytic conversion of tar rich syngas by biomass gasification. Catalysis Today. 277, 182-191.
Molino, A., Giordano G., Migliori M., Lauro V., Santarcangelo G., Marino T., et al. (2016).  Process Innovation Via Supercritical Water Gasification to Improve the Conventional Plants Performance in Treating Highly Humid Biomass. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 7, 1289-1295.
Verardi, A., Blasi A., Molino A., Albo L., & Calabrò V. (2016).  Improving the enzymatic hydrolysis of Saccharum officinarum L. bagasse by optimizing mixing in a stirred tank reactor: Quantitative analysis of biomass conversion. Fuel Processing Technology. 149, 15-22.
Molino, A., Migliori M., Macrì D., Valerio V., Villone A., Nanna F., et al. (2016).  Glucose gasification in super-critical water conditions for both syngas production and green chemicals with a continuous process. Renewable Energy. 91, 451-455.
Molino, A., Iovane P., & Migliori M. (2016).  Biomethane production by biogas with polymeric membrane module. Membrane Technologies for Biorefining. 465-482.
Molino, A., Chianese S., & Musmarra D. (2016).  Biomass gasification technology: The state of the art overview. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 25, 10-25.
Lonoce, C., Salem R., Marusic C., Jutras P.V., Scaloni A., Salzano A.M., et al. (2016).  Production of a tumour-targeting antibody with a human-compatible glycosylation profile in N. benthamiana hairy root cultures. Biotechnology Journal. 11, 1209-1220.
Jutras, P.V., Marusic C., Lonoce C., Deflers C., Goulet M.-C., Benvenuto E., et al. (2016).  An accessory protease inhibitor to increase the yield and quality of a tumour-targeting mAb in nicotiana benthamiana leaves. PLoS ONE. 11,
Molino, A., Larocca V., Valerio V., Martino M., Marino T., Rimauro J., et al. (2016).  Biofuels and Bio-based Production via Supercritical Water Gasification of Peach Scraps. Energy and Fuels. 30, 10443-10447.
Puggioli, A., Calvitti M., Moretti R., & Bellini R. (2016).  wPip Wolbachia contribution to Aedes albopictus SIT performance: Advantages under intensive rearing. Acta Tropica. 164, 473-481.
Nya, P.C.B., Moretti R., Nicoletti M., Calvitti M., & Tomassini L. (2016).  Larvicidal activity of steroidal saponins from Dracaena arborea on Aedes albopictus. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 17, 1036-1042.
Atyame, C.M., Labbé P., Lebon C., Weill M., Moretti R., Marini F., et al. (2016).  Comparison of irradiation and Wolbachia based approaches for sterile-male strategies targeting Aedes albopictus. PLoS ONE. 11,
Lico, C., Giardullo P., Mancuso M., Benvenuto E., Santi L., & Baschieri S. (2016).  A biodistribution study of two differently shaped plant virus nanoparticles reveals new peculiar traits. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 148, 431-439.
Illiano, E., Demurtas O C., Massa S., Bonito P., Consalvi V., Chiaraluce R., et al. (2016).  Production of functional, stable, unmutated recombinant human papillomavirus E6 oncoprotein: Implications for HPV-tumor diagnosis and therapy. Journal of Translational Medicine. 14, 1–14.
Demurtas, O C., Massa S., Illiano E., De Martinis D., Chan P.K.S., Di Bonito P., et al. (2016).  Antigen production in plantto tackle infectious diseases flare up: The case of SARS. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 54.
Pierdomenico, M., Cesi V., Cucchiara S., Vitali R., Prete E., Costanzo M., et al. (2016).  NOD2 Is Regulated by MIR-320 in Physiological Conditions but this Control Is Altered in Inflamed Tissues of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 22, 315-326.
Laera, A M., Mirenghi L., Schioppa M., Nobile C., Capodieci L., Scalone A G., et al. (2016).  Fabrication of 3D carbon nanotube networks. Materials Research Express. 3,
D'Urso, G., Maldini M., Pintore G., d'Aquino L., Montoro P., & Pizza C. (2016).  Characterisation of Fragaria vesca fruit from Italy following a metabolomics approach through integrated mass spectrometry techniques. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 74, 387-395.
Marusic, C., Novelli F., Salzano A.M., Scaloni A., Benvenuto E., Pioli C., et al. (2016).  Production of an active anti-CD20-hIL-2 immunocytokine in Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 14, 240-251.
Di Carli, M., De Rossi P., Paganin P., Del Fiore A., Lecce F., Capodicasa C., et al. (2016).  Bacterial community and proteome analysis of fresh-cut lettuce as affected by packaging.. FEMS microbiology letters. 363, fnv209.
Santomartino, R., Ottaviano D., Visca A., Soulard A., Lemaire M., Gonzalez J., et al. (2015).  Hypoxia and glucose regulate transcription of the low-affinity glucose transporter gene RAG1 in Kluyveromyces lactis. YEAST. 32, S110–S111.
Ottaviano, D., Montanari A., De Angelis L., Santomartino R., Visca A., Brambilla L., et al. (2015).  Unsaturated fatty acids-dependent linkage between respiration and fermentation revealed by deletion of hypoxic regulatory KlMGA2 gene in the facultative anaerobe-respiratory yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. FEMS Yeast Research. 15, fov028.
Galvagno, S., Portofino S., Donatelli A., Martino M., Cornacchia G., Freda C., et al. (2015).  Apparato per il Confinamento Fisico di una Torcia al Plasma Finalizzato all'Incremento di Resa in Sintesi di Materiali Ceramici.. 102015000018115,
Primi, R., Falcone G., Giuliano G., Tecnologie BE. Ronchi 1di, Danieli P., Mm P., et al. (2015).  Chemical, amino-acidic and anti-nutritional composition of new sweet genotypes of narrow-leaf (Lupinus angustifolius L.) and white lupines (Lupinus albus L.) seeds.
Stamigna, C., Chiaretti E., & Chiaretti D. (2015).  Genetics applied to the creation of new varieties of plants. Energia Ambiente e Innovazione. 61, 27–28.
De Riccardis, M F., Carbone D., & Cuna D. (2015).  Electrophoretic deposition of lignin reinforced polymer coatings. Key Engineering Materials. 654, 247-251.
Kiferle, C., Fantini E., Bassolino L., Povero G., Spelt C., Buti S., et al. (2015).  Tomato R2R3-MYB proteins SlANT1 and SlAN2: Same protein activity, different roles. PLoS ONE. 10,