AGROS Head Office
The Biotechnologies and Agroindustry Division focuses on innovation in the agro-industrial system for the development and competitiveness of food production in terms of quality, safety and sustainability, encouraging chain approaches, through agro-industrial and/or territory clusters. Promotes the development of products (food and non-food) with high-added value and high technological value derived from biological resources.
Develops methods and technologies for innovation and traceability of the production, supply, processing and marketing chains of agricultural and food products in a perspective of enhancing consumer confidence in the foodchain.
Status: ongoing
Food, Health and Environment Research Infrastructures to Tackle Emerging Priorities
Sistemi Innovativi Di Monitoraggio Per Il Controllo Sostenibile Di Drosophila Suzukii Ed Altri Fitofagi Rilevanti Per La Frutticoltura Laziale
Delivering, safe, sustainable, tailored & socially accepted soilimprovers from circular food production processes for boosting soil health
PNRR: Partenariato Esteso “Research and Innovation Network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security
Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy
Integrated SERVices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition
ECO-READY: Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven policies
PRO-GRACE: Promoting a Plant Genetic Resource Community for Europe
DGR4FOOD: Empowering a fair and responsible European FoodRegister, fostering citizen sovereignty and creating a data-driven food system
Towards climate-smart and sustainable soil management