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Meeting Internazionali

“(ri)Pensare il rapporto tra scienza e società”, Conferenza Annuale APRE 8 - 12 Novembre 2021

8 November 2021 to 12 November 2021

Si terrà online dall’8 all’12 novembre la Conferenza Annuale APRE dal titolo “(ri)Pensare il rapporto tra scienza e società”, che rappresenta un importante momento di apprendimento, approfondimento e confronto per tutta la comunità nazionale sui temi della ricerca e dell’innovazione.

Final Workshop of LIFE RENDER Project

13 October 2021

During the event, the main challenges of the EU food and drink industry in the Green Market will be analyzed and the Single Market for Green Products Initiative introduced. The main results obtained   LIFE RENDER - Promoting the Implementation of Product Environmental Footprint Methodology in the European Dairy Sector -  project as well as in other initiatives that have experimented with the PEF Initiative in the Food and Drink Sector will be presented.

Save the date! SIMBA Project - Consortium Meeting

18 October 2021 to 19 October 2021

The 5th consortium meeting, organized by ENEA, will be held on 18th and 19th October in hybrid form: in person in Rome at Villa Lubin, under the patronage of CNEL, and online. The meeting represents a great opportunity for partners to provide updates on work carried out to date, and also to plan next steps, to make SIMBA ambition fully successful.

Maker Faire Rome 2021

8 October 2021 to 10 October 2021

Dall’8 al 10 ottobre 2021, ENEA partecipa a Maker Faire Rome 2021, la grande manifestazione dedicata all’innovazione tecnologica e alla trasformazione digitale dove imprese, scuole, università, centri di ricerca e innovatori, si incontrano per presentare i propri progetti e condividere le proprie conoscenze e scoperte.