FNS-Cloud Final Event
After four years (and a global pandemic), FNS-Cloud - Food Nutrition Security will launch the first generation cloud-solution for food data in Brussels (BE).
After four years (and a global pandemic), FNS-Cloud - Food Nutrition Security will launch the first generation cloud-solution for food data in Brussels (BE).
SIMBA is a Horizon 2020 funded project which aims to provide innovative microbiome solutions to improve European food security and nutrition, and help address key societal challenges.The Final Symposium is the last event to be held as part of the SIMBA project and will take place on the 28th September 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark. It will celebrate the achievements of the project and explore the wider impact these results will have in Europe and beyond.
Il prossimo 19 giugno, presso la FAO, si terrà l'evento “Innovation for drought and agriculture”. L'evento rientra tra le attività previste dal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sottoscritto dalla FAO con gli Istituti di Ricerca Italiani -IRI , ENEA, CNR, CREA e ISPRA con l'obiettivo di lavorare congiuntamente per il miglioramento della produzione alimentare sostenibile e la nutrizione nei Paesi in via di sviluppo.
The DeliSoil - Delivering Soil improvers through improved recycling and processing solutions for food industry residues streams project kick-off meeting will be held in Turku, Finland on 27-29 June 2023
The 3rd Joint workshop of the IMPRESA project - IMProving RESilience to Abiotic stresses in durum wheat: Enhancing knowledge by genetic, physiological and “omics” approaches and increasing Mediterranean germplasm biodiversity by crop wild relatives-based introgressiomics - will be held in Algeria at Scientific and technical research centre for arid regions omar bernaoui crstra BISKRA.
Phytofactories 2023 is an international conference on plant molecular farming that will take place on 7-9 June 2023 in Luxembourg.
It is organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology -LIST, one of the InnCoCells partners, and will take place immediately after the next InnCoCells consortium meeting (5-7 June 2023).
Annual Science Days is a knowledge exchange event within and outside of the EJP SOIL consortium focused on the results obtained by the framework projects.
A Mesagne, in provincia di Brindisi, avrà luogo la terza edizione del “Global Space Economic Workshop (GSEW@Italy)” dal titolo “Additive Manufacturing in Space to boost entrepreneurship, sustainability and economic growth” durante il quale saranno discusse le varie opportunità offerte dalla stampa 3D per le attività spaziali e le iniziative a supporto di future collaborazioni industriali e scientifiche dei principali stakeholder europei del settore.
The Open Event of the project PROVIDE will be held in Rome next Monday 22 May at the Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Environmental Biology).
DRG4FOOD Project it's been invited to participate to the final conference “Taking a Stance4Health – Personalised Nutrition for Public Health”.