Produzione scientifica
Found 7579 results
Varietà di cartamo (Carthamus tinctorius L.) senza spine, alto linoleico, denominata "Oscar",
, Number 122017000006386, (2017)
VGI-DSS for the management of emergencies and maintenance in urban areas,
, GisDAY 2016 - Il GIS per il governo e la gestione del territorio, Volume Volume I, Number 1, ROMA, p.99-111, (2017)
Vulnerability Analysis and Seismic Retrofit of a Strategic Building,
, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Volume 31, Number 2, (2017)
Wastewater Reuse,
, Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, p.53-68, (2017)
Wave Tank Testing of a Pendulum Wave Energy Converter 1:12 Scale Model,
, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Volume 9, Number 2, (2017)
Weather-and climate-related natural hazards in Europe,
, Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe, 2017, Number 15/2017, p.46–91, (2017)
Web based scoring is useful for validation and harmonisation of scoring criteria within RENEB,
, International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 93, Number 1, p.110-117, (2017)
Welding of automotive aluminum alloys by laser wobbling processing,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 879, p.1057-1062, (2017)
Welding of IN792 DS superalloy by high energy density techniques,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 884, p.166-177, (2017)
What we talk about when we talk about protein hydrolyzate-based biostimulants,
, AIMS Agriculture and Food, Volume 2, Number 3, p.221-232, (2017)
X-ray sterilization of insects and microorganisms for cultural heritage applications,
, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 406, p.309-313, (2017)
210Pb mass accumulation rates in the depositional area of the Magra River (Mediterranean Sea, Italy),
, Continental Shelf Research, Volume 124, p.35-48, (2016)
An accessory protease inhibitor to increase the yield and quality of a tumour-targeting mAb in nicotiana benthamiana leaves,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 11, Number 11, (2016)
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Environments in 2015,
, Environments, Volume 3, p.2, (2016)
Active coating for storage of Mozzarella cheese packaged under thermal abuse,
, Food Control, Volume 64, p.10-16, (2016)
Addressing the Challenge of Scientific Development: The First Steep Steps of a Long Path,
, SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology, p.25-37, (2016)
The adverse outcome pathway (AOP) for chemical binding to tubulin in oocytes leading to aneuploid offspring,
, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Volume 57, Number 2, p.87-113, (2016)
Age of the Mt. Ortles ice cores, the Tyrolean Iceman and glaciation of the highest summit of South Tyrol since the Northern Hemisphere Climatic Optimum,
, Cryosphere, Volume 10, Number 6, p.2779-2797, (2016)
Age-related effects of X-ray irradiation on mouse hippocampus,
, Oncotarget, Volume 7, Number 19, p.28040-28058, (2016)
Air quality and climate in the Mediterranean region,
, The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change, A Scientific Update, Marseille, p.145 - 150, (2016)
Ammonia removal from raw manure digestate by means of a turbulent mixing stripping process,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 176, p.1-10, (2016)
Amniotic epithelial stem cell biocompatibility for electrospun poly(lactide-co-glycolide), poly(ε-caprolactone), poly(lactic acid) scaffolds,
, Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 69, p.321-329, (2016)
Anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment at ambient temperature,
, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 284, p.130-138, (2016)