Produzione scientifica
Found 7572 results
Upper tropospheric ice sensitivity to sulfate geoengineering,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 18, Number 20, p.14867-14887, (2018)
Variability of fibre quality on Chinese Alashan Left Banner White Cashmere goat,
, Italian Journal of Animal Science, Volume 17, Number 1, p.53-56, (2018)
Waste tire recycling process for production of steam activated carbon in a pilot plant,
, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 129, p.102-111, (2018)
Water and food security under a climate change scenario in the Pacific Small Island Developing States,
, Energia Ambiente ed Innovazione, Issue 3, p.96-101, (2018)
Water molecules ordering in strong electrolytes solutions,
, Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 705, p.7-11, (2018)
A wide-band bio-chip for real-time optical detection of bioelectromagnetic interactions with cells,
, Scientific Reports, Volume 8, Number 1, (2018)
Zirconium Perowskite Coatings Obtained by Combinatorial EB-PVD Process,
, Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, (2018)
3D Photogrammetric reconstruction by drone scanning for FE analysis and crack pattern mapping of the “Bridge of the Towers”, Spoleto,
, 5th International Conference on Mechanics Of Masonry Structures Strengthened With Composite Materials (MURICO5), Volume Key Engineering Materials, 747, p.423-430, (2017)
7Be behaviour and meteorological conditions associated with 7Be peak events in Spain,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 166, p.17-26, (2017)
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Water in 2016,
, Water, Volume 9, Number 1, p.44, (2017)
Acute myocardial infarction and COPD attributed to ambient SO2 in Iran,
, Environmental Research, Volume 156, p.683-687, (2017)
Adsorbent materials for low-grade waste heat recovery: Application to industrial pasta drying processes,
, Energy, Volume 140, p.729-745, (2017)
Ageing effects on composite nano carbon based materials,
, Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, Volume 2017-October, p.37-42, (2017)
Analisi dei flussi e studio dei mercati reali e finanziari delle materie prime presenti negli autoveicoli elettrici e nelle colonnine di ricarica,
, Report Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico , Number RdS/PAR2016/247, Roma, (2017)
Analysis and exploitation of resource efficiency potentials in industrial small and medium-sized enterprises – Experiences with the EDIT Value Tool in Central Europe,
, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 159, p.290-300, (2017)
Analysis of HMDS self-assembled monolayer Effect on Trap Density in PC70BM n-type Thin Film Transistors through Admittance Studies,
Annealing free, high quality CVD graphene growth and transfer,
, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 178, p.325-330, (2017)
Anomolous multi-origin marine notch sites: Three case studies in the central Mediterranean Sea,
, Quaternary International, Volume 439, p.4-16, (2017)
Antarctic snow: metals bound to high molecular weight dissolved organic matter,
, Chemosphere, Volume 175, p.307-314, (2017)
Anticorpi Anti-CD20 Ingegnerizzati e Loro Usi in Campo Medico,
, Number 102017000009339, (2017)
Antifouling biocides (Irgarol, Diuron and dichlofluanid) along the Italian Tyrrhenian coast: Temporal, seasonal and spatial threats,
, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Volume 16, p.254-266, (2017)
Antimony and arsenic distribution in a catchment affected by past mining activities: influence of extreme weather events,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 28, Number 2, p.303–315, (2017)