Produzione scientifica
Found 7572 results
The efficiency of Taxonomic Sufficiency for identification of spatial patterns at different scales in transitional waters,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 144, p.84-91, (2019)
Eicosapentaenoic acid extraction from nannochloropsis gaditana using carbon dioxide at supercritical conditions,
, Marine Drugs, Volume 17, Number 2, (2019)
Elementary Iodine-Doped Activated Carbon as an Oxidizing Agent for the Treatment of Arsenic-Enriched Drinking Water,
, Water, Jan-09-2019, Volume 11, Issue 9, p.1778, (2019)
Enhancing rare-earth recovery from lamp phosphor waste,
, Hydrometallurgy, Jan-08-2019, Volume 187, p.38 - 44, (2019)
Enzymatic production of bioactive peptides from scotta, an exhausted by-product of ricotta cheese processing,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 14, Number 12, (2019)
ERAP1 promotes Hedgehog-dependent tumorigenesis by controlling USP47-mediated degradation of βTrCP,
, Nature Communications, Volume 10, Number 1, (2019)
EURODELTA III exercise: An evaluation of air quality models’ capacity to reproduce the carbonaceous aerosol,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, (2019)
The European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA): Collaboration from bottom-up,
, Advances in Geosciences, Volume 46, p.1-10, (2019)
Evaluating risks related to climate change and land use scenarios in the Italian coast: an integrated index supporting climate change adaptation.,
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 21, (2019)
An evaluation of European nitrogen and sulfur wet deposition and their trends estimated by six chemistry transport models for the period 1990-2010,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 19, Number 1, p.379-405, (2019)
Evidence of association between aerosol properties and in-vitro cellular oxidative response to PM1, oxidative potential of PM2.5, a biomarker of RNA oxidation, and its dependency on combustion sources,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 213, p.444-455, (2019)
Evidence of unprecedented high electronic conductivity in mammalian pigment based eumelanin thin films after thermal annealing in Vacuum,
, Frontiers in Chemistry, Volume 7, Number MAR, (2019)
Evidences of plasma membrane-mediated ROS generation upon ELF exposure in neuroblastoma cells supported by a computational multiscale approach,
, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Volume 1861, Number 8, p.1446-1457, (2019)
Experimental and theoretical investigation on the recovery of green chemicals and energy from mixed agricultural wastes by coupling anaerobic digestion and supercritical water gasification,
, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 370, p.1101-1110, (2019)
Experimental data sharing of shaking table tests on masonry structures by “Staging Storage Sharing” (E3S) system,
, IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, MetroArchaeo 2017, p.299-303, (2019)
Exploring dynamic membrane as an alternative for conventional membrane for the treatment of old landfill leachate,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 246, p.658-667, (2019)
Extraction of bioactive compounds using supercritical carbon dioxide,
, Molecules, Volume 24, Number 4, (2019)
Extraction of carotenes and lutein from dunaliella salina microalgae using pressurized liquid extraction,
, European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings 2019, p.112–118, (2019)
Fatigue Bending Behavior of Cold-Sprayed Nickel-Based Superalloy Coatings,
, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Volume 28, Number 5, p.930-938, (2019)
Fe(Se,Te) from melting routes: Insight on phase separation,
, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 29, Number 5, (2019)
First evidence of microplastics ingestion in benthic amphipods from Svalbard,
, Environmental Research, Volume 179, (2019)
The first version of the Pan-European Indoor Radon Map,
, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Volume 19, Number 11, p.2451-2464, (2019)
The first-generation phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors and their pharmacokinetic issue,
, Andrology, Volume 7, Number 6, p.804 – 817, (2019)
Flow cytometric characterisation of the complex polyploid genome of Saccharum officinarum and modern sugarcane cultivars,
, Nature portfolio, Jan-12-2019, Volume 9, Issue 1, (2019)
Forest Fires Across Italian Regions and Implications for Climate Change: A Panel Data Analysis,
, Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 72, Number 1, p.207-246, (2019)