Produzione scientifica
Found 7579 results
Testing approaches for calculating stomatal ozone fluxes from passive samplers,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 572, p.56-67, (2016)
Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of a mixture of plastics from small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE),
, Waste Management, Volume 54, p.143-152, (2016)
Thermally cured semi-interpenetrating electrolyte networks (s-IPN) for safe and aging-resistant secondary lithium polymer batteries,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 306, p.258-267, (2016)
Three-year monitoring of stable isotopes of precipitation at Concordia Station, East Antarctica,
, Cryosphere, Volume 10, Number 5, p.2415-2428, (2016)
Tiber delta CO2-CH4 degassing: A possible hybrid, tectonically active Sediment-Hosted Geothermal System near Rome,
, Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, Volume 121, Number 1, p.48-69, (2016)
Timing of the emergence of the Europe-Sicily bridge (40-17 cal ka BP) and its implications for the spread of modern humans,
, Geological Society Special Publication, Volume 411, Number 1, p.111-144, (2016)
Tissue shrinkage in microwave ablation of liver: an ex vivo predictive model,
, International Journal of Hyperthermia, p.1-9, (2016)
The topological defense in SIS epidemic models,
, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Volume 86, p.16-22, (2016)
Total column water vapour from along track scanning radiometer series using thermal infrared dual view ocean cloud free measurements: The Advanced Infra-Red WAter Vapour Estimator (AIRWAVE) algorithm,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 172, p.1-14, (2016)
Toward the Use of Buckwheat as an Ingredient for the Preparation of Functional Food,
, Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat, p.219-224, (2016)
Towards energy efficiency of interdependent urban networks,
, International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, Jan-01-2016, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.529, (2016)
Towards Li(Ni0.33Mn0.33Co0.33)O2/graphite batteries with ionic liquid-based electrolytes. I. Electrodes' behavior in lithium half-cells,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 331, p.426-434, (2016)
Traditional land uses enhanced plant biodiversity in a Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system,
, Plant Biosystems, Volume 150, Number 2, p.201-207, (2016)
Transcriptome and metabolome of synthetic Solanum autotetraploids reveal key genomic stress events following polyploidization,
, New Phytologist, Volume 210, Number 4, p.1382-1394, (2016)
Transcriptomics of tomato plants infected with TYLCSV or expressing the central TYLCSV Rep protein domain uncover changes impacting pathogen response and senescence,
, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , Volume 103 , (2016)
Treatment planning in microwave thermal ablation: clinical gaps and recent research advances,
, International Journal of Hyperthermia, p.1-18, (2016)
Turbulence generation by mountain wave breaking in flows with directional wind shear,
, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 142, Number 700, p.2715 – 2726, (2016)
Twenty-first century projected summer mean climate in the Mediterranean interpreted through the monsoon-desert mechanism,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 47, Number 7-8, p.2361-2371, (2016)
Two stage process of microalgae cultivation for starch and carotenoid production,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 49, p.415–420, (2016)
Ultrasonic analysis and lock-in thermography for debonding evaluation of composite adhesive joints,
, NDT and E International, Volume 78, p.1-9, (2016)
Uranium natural levels in water and soils: assessment of the Italian situation in relation to quality standards for drinking water,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 27, Number 1, p.39-50, (2016)
UV treatment for the removal of bromate formed during ozonation of groundwater. Influence of the oxidation process on the removal efficiency,
, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 4, Number 3, p.3293-3302, (2016)
Validation of newly designed regional earth system model (RegESM) for Mediterranean Basin,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 48, Number 9-10, p.1-29, (2016)