Produzione scientifica
Found 7579 results
Health impact of air pollution on Italy: Main findings of VIIAS and MED HISS projects,
, Environmental Modelling and Software for Supporting a Sustainable Future, Proceedings - 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, iEMSs 2016, (2016)
Heat and salt redistribution within the Mediterranean Sea in the Med-CORDEX model ensemble,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 51, Number 3, p.1-25, (2016)
Heat-Wave events in Spain: Air mass analysis and impacts on 7be concentrations,
, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2016, (2016)
High geochemical background of potentially harmful elements. The “geochemical risk” and “natural contamination” of soils and water: awareness and policy approach in Europe with a focus on Italy,
, RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI, Volume 27, Number 1, p.7–20, (2016)
High performance inverted polymer solar cells with solution processed metal oxides as electron transport layers: A comparative study,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 617, p.126-132, (2016)
A high quality eggplant genome sequence: a new tool for the analysis of Solanaceae family evolution and for the molecular deciphering of complex traits,
, 20th EUCARPIA General Congress, p.122–122, (2016)
High-density molecular characterization and association mapping in Ethiopian durum wheat landraces reveals high diversity and potential for wheat breeding,
, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Volume 14, Number 9, p.1800-1812, (2016)
Highly luminescent colloidal CdS quantum dots with efficient near-infrared electroluminescence in light-emitting diodes,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 120, Number 3, p.1871-1880, (2016)
A high-resolution modelling study of the circulation along the Campania coastal system, with a special focus on the Gulf of Naples,
, Continental Shelf Research, Volume 122, p.85-101, (2016)
How to boost shallow geothermal energy exploitation in the adriatic area: The LEGEND project experience,
, Energy Policy, Volume 92, p.190-204, (2016)
ICT applications for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of a small mediterranean island,
, EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (2016)
The Identification and Pharmacological Characterization of 6-(tert-Butylsulfonyl)-N-(5-fluoro-1H-indazol-3-yl)quinolin-4-amine (GSK583), a Highly Potent and Selective Inhibitor of RIP2 Kinase,
, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 59, Number 10, p.4867-4880, (2016)
Identification of airborne radioactive spatial patterns in Europe - Feasibility study using Beryllium-7,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 155-156, p.55-62, (2016)
Impact of grid resolution on aerosol predictions: A case study over Italy,
, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, MAY, Volume 16, Number 5, p.1253-1267, (2016)
Impact of sea-land breezes on 210Pb in southern Iberian Peninsula– Feasibility study on using submicron-sized aerosol particles to analyze 210Pb hourly patterns,
, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 7, Number 1, p.1-8, (2016)
Impact of stratospheric volcanic aerosols on age-of-air and transport of long-lived species,
, Atmosphere, Volume 7, Number 11, (2016)
Impacts of air pollution on cultural heritage corrosion at European level: What has been achieved and what are the future scenarios,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 218, p.586-594, (2016)
Implementing a composite indicator approach for prioritizing activated sludge-based wastewater treatment plants at large spatial scale,
, Ecological Indicators, Volume 71, p.1-18, (2016)
Improving magnesium based systems for efficient hydrogen storage tanks,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 41, Number 32, p.14455-14460, (2016)
Improving the enzymatic hydrolysis of Saccharum officinarum L. bagasse by optimizing mixing in a stirred tank reactor: Quantitative analysis of biomass conversion,
, Fuel Processing Technology, Jan-08-2016, Volume 149, p.15-22, (2016)
An in situ assessment of local adaptation in a calcifying polychaete from a shallow CO2 vent system,
, Evolutionary Applications, OCT, Volume 9, Number 9, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, p.1054-1071, (2016)
Indication of recent warming process at the intermediate level in the tyrrhenian sea from SOOP XBT measurements,
, Mediterranean Marine Science, Volume 17, Number 2, p.467-475, (2016)
The infrared spectrum of bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide revisited: Attractive performances of the PBE0/6-31G∗∗ model,
, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 82, p.16-21, (2016)
Innovative tunable microstrip attenuators based on few-layer graphene flakes,
, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, (2016)