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Found 91 results
Filtri: Parola Chiave is carbon [Clear All Filters]
Associations between fine particulate matter, gene expression, and promoter methylation in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed within a classroom under air-liquid interface,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 358, (2024)
Concentration and size distribution of atmospheric particles in southern Italy during COVID-19 lockdown period,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 295, (2023)
Optical characterization of the impact of 100 keV protons on the optical properties of ZrO2 films prepared by ALD on fused silica substrates,
, Applied Optics, Volume 62, Number 7, p.B182-B187, (2023)
Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digesters and predicted concentrations in agroecosystems,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 301, p.113891, (2022)
Recovery material from a new designed surgical face mask: A complementary approach based on mechanical and thermo-chemical recycling,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 324, (2022)
Burkholderia thailandensis E264 as a promising safe rhamnolipids’ producer towards a sustainable valorization of grape marcs and olive mill pomace,
, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2021)
Catalytic performance of Ni/CaO-Ca12Al14O33catalyst in the green synthesis gas production via CO2reforming of CH4,
, Journal of CO2 Utilization, Volume 45, (2021)
Hygrothermal ageing influence on bvi-damaged carbon/epoxy coupons under compression load,
, Polymers, Volume 13, Number 13, (2021)
Improving the retrieval of carbon-based phytoplankton biomass from satellite ocean colour observations,
, Remote Sensing, Volume 12, Number 21, p.1-13, (2020)
EURODELTA III exercise: An evaluation of air quality models’ capacity to reproduce the carbonaceous aerosol,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, (2019)
Fusion Exhaust Gas Separation with a Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) Membrane,
, InterCeram: International Ceramic Review, Volume 68, Number 4, p.14-17, (2019)
Photosynthetic traits as indicators for phenotyping urban and peri-urban forests: A case study in the metropolitan city of Rome,
, Ecological Indicators, Volume 103, p.301-311, (2019)
Plasma enhancement gases (PEGs) separation using a carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membrane,
, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 146, p.2438-2441, (2019)
Progress toward full scale application of the anaerobic side-stream reactor (ASSR) process,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 272, p.267-274, (2019)
Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle Manure Influenced by Swirling Jet Induced Hydrodynamic Cavitation,
, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 184, Number 4, p.1200-1218, (2018)
Carbon powder material obtained from an innovative high pressure water jet recycling process of tires used as anode in alkali ion (Li, Na) batteries,
, Solid State Ionics, Volume 324, p.20-27, (2018)
Supercritical water gasification of lignin solution produced by steam explosion process on Arundo Donax after alkaline extraction,
, Fuel, Volume 221, p.513-517, (2018)
Titania nano-coated quartz wool for the photocatalytic mineralisation of emerging organic contaminants,
, Water Science and Technology, Volume 77, Number 2, p.409-416, (2018)
Ionic liquid electrolytes for safer lithium batteries I. investigation around optimal formulation,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 164, Number 1, p.A6026-A6031, (2017)
Combined effect of double antireflection coating and reversible molecular doping on performance of few-layer graphene/n-silicon Schottky barrier solar cells,
, Solar Energy, Volume 127, p.198-205, (2016)
Electrophoretic deposition of Au NPs on MWCNT-based gas sensor for tailored gas detection with enhanced sensing properties,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 223, p.417-428, (2016)
Glucose gasification in super-critical water conditions for both syngas production and green chemicals with a continuous process,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 91, p.451-455, (2016)
Improving magnesium based systems for efficient hydrogen storage tanks,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 41, Number 32, p.14455-14460, (2016)
Ionic liquid electrolytes for safer lithium batteries: I. Investigation around optimal formulation,
, ECS Transactions, Volume 73, Number 1, p.67-73, (2016)
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