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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Water Purification [Clear All Filters]
CubeSat-life ground test facility: Ground facility to simulate a CubeSat environment for the cultivation of ideotype tomato plants,
, 5th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2018 - Proceedings, p.21-25, (2018)
Titania nano-coated quartz wool for the photocatalytic mineralisation of emerging organic contaminants,
, Water Science and Technology, Volume 77, Number 2, p.409-416, (2018)
Stoichiometric evaluation of partial nitritation, anammox and denitrification processes in a sequencing batch reactor and interpretation of online monitoring parameters,
, Chemosphere, Volume 164, p.488-498, (2016)
Development and permeability of a dynamic membrane for anaerobic wastewater treatment,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 161, p.236-244, (2014)
A method for improving reliability and relevance of LCA reviews: The case of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of tap and bottled water,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.228-241, (2014)
Biotechnology for a more sustainable world,
, Biotechnology Advances, Volume 30, Number 5, p.931-932, (2012)
Decolourisation of textile wastewater in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 117, p.180-185, (2012)
Textile wastewater treatment in a bench-scale anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor combined with nanofiltration,
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 46, Number 13, p.1512-1518, (2011)
Bioelectrochemical reduction of CO2 to CH4 via direct and indirect extracellular electron transfer by a hydrogenophilic methanogenic culture,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 101, Number 9, p.3085-3090, (2010)
The potential of compost-based biobarriers for Cr(VI) removal from contaminated groundwater: Column test,
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 166, Number 2-3, p.1087-1095, (2009)
Sustainable power production in a membrane-less and mediator-less synthetic wastewater microbial fuel cell,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 100, Number 13, p.3252-3260, (2009)
Capture of mercury ions by natural and industrial materials,
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 132, Number 2-3, p.220-225, (2006)
Chitosan membrane: Tool for chromium (III) recovery from aqueous solutions,
, Annali di Chimica, Volume 94, Number 5-6, p.389-398, (2004)
Metal ion removal from water by sorption on paper mill sludge,
, Chemosphere, Volume 51, Number 8, p.797-803, (2003)
Sludge dewatering using macrophytes in a small wastewater treatment system: A case study of a pilot scale plant in Northern Italy,
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 38, Number 10, p.2425-2433, (2003)
Soft sensors for control of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewaters by neural networks,
, Water Science and Technology, Volume 45, Number 4-5, p.101-107, (2002)
Experimental considerations on monitoring ORP, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in nitrogen and phosphorus biological removal processes,
, Water Science and Technology, Volume 43, Number 11, p.197-204, (2001)
Selection of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge,
, Environmental Technology, Volume 22, Number 12, p.1429-1437, (2001)