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Filtri: Autore is Cartes, J.E. and Parola Chiave is trophic level [Clear All Filters]
Spatial variability in the trophic ecology and biology of the deep-sea shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the Mediterranean Sea,
, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 87, p.1-13, (2014)
Influence of environmental variables on the spatio-temporal dynamics of bentho-pelagic assemblages in the middle slope of the Balearic Basin (NW Mediterranean),
, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 61, p.84-99, (2012)
Food web structure of deep-sea macrozooplankton and micronekton off the Catalan slope: Insight from stable isotopes,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 87, Number 1, p.79-89, (2011)
Effects of preservation on the δ13C and δ15N values of deep sea macrofauna,
, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Volume 395, Number 1-2, p.93-97, (2010)
Temporal variations in the feeding habits and trophic levels of three deep-sea demersal fishes from the western Mediterranean Sea, based on stomach contents and stable isotope analyses,
, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 402, p.213-232, (2010)
Dynamics of suprabenthos-zooplankton communities around the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): Influence of environmental variables and effects on the biological cycle of Aristeus antennatus,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 71, Number 3-4, p.316-335, (2008)
Isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen of suprabenthic fauna in the NW Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean),
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 71, Number 3-4, p.336-345, (2008)
Spatio-temporal changes in gut contents and stable isotopes in two deep Mediterranean pandalids: Influence on the reproductive cycle,
, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 355, p.219-233, (2008)