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Filtri: Autore is Raffaela Tavazza [Clear All Filters]
Silencing of beta-carotene hydroxylase increases total carotenoid and beta-carotene levels in potato tubers,
, BMC Plant Biology, Volume 7, (2007)
Metabolic engineering of potato tuber carotenoids through tuber-specific silencing of lycopene epsilon cyclase,
, BMC Plant Biology, Volume 6, (2006)
Ectopic expression of maize polyamine oxidase and pea copper amine oxidase in the cell wall of tobacco plants.,
, Plant physiology, 2004 Apr, Volume 134, p.1414-26, (2004)
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus can overcome transgene-mediated RNA silencing of two essential viral genes,
, Journal of General Virology, 2004///, Volume 85, p.1745 - 1749, (2004)
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus rep-derived resistance to homologous and heterologous geminiviruses occurs by different mechanisms and is overcome if virus-mediated transgene silencing is activated,
, Journal of Virology, 2003///, Volume 77, p.6785 - 6798, (2003)
Transgenically expressed T-rep of Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus acts as a trans-dominant-negative mutant, inhibiting viral transcription and replication,
, Journal of Virology, 2001///, Volume 75, p.10573 - 10581, (2001)
Metabolic engineering of beta-carotene and lycopene content in tomato fruit,
, Plant Journal, Volume 24, Number 3, p.413-419, (2000)
Identification of artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) proteins required for virus replication: Complementation of AMCV p33 and p92 replication defective mutants,
, Journal of General Virology, Volume 79, Number 3, p.639-647, (1998)
High expression of truncated viral rep protein confers resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus in transgenic tomato plants,
, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 1997///, Volume 10, p.571 - 579, (1997)
Resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus in Nicotiana benthamiana plants transformed with a truncated viral C1 gene,
, Virology, 1996///, Volume 224, p.130 - 138, (1996)
Nucleotide sequence, genomic organization and synthesis of infectious transcripts from a full-length clone of artichoke mottle crinkle virus,
, Journal of General Virology, 1994///, Volume 75, p.1515 - 1524, (1994)
’Phytoantibodies’: a general vector for the expression of immunoglobulin domains in transgenic plants,
, Plant Molecular Biology, 1991///, Volume 17, p.865 - 874, (1991)
Genetic transformation of potato (Solanum tuberosum): An efficient method to obtain transgenic plants,
, Plant Science, 1989///, Volume 59, p.175 - 181, (1989)
Genetic transformation of Nicotiana clevelandii using a Ti plasmid derived vector,
, Journal of Plant Physiology, Volume 133, (1988)