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Assessment of Inflammation in 3D Reconstructed Human Skin Exposed to Combined Exposure to Ultraviolet and Wi-Fi Radiation

TitoloAssessment of Inflammation in 3D Reconstructed Human Skin Exposed to Combined Exposure to Ultraviolet and Wi-Fi Radiation
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2023
AutoriSzilágyi, Z., Németh Z., Bakos J., Kubinyi G., Necz P.P., Szabó E., Thuróczy G., Pinto Rosanna, and Selmaoui B.
RivistaInternational journal of molecular sciences

In the human environment, the increasing exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation, especially that emitted by wireless devices, could be absorbed in the body. Recently, mobile and emerging wireless technologies (UMTS, DECT, LTE, and Wi-Fi) have been using higher frequencies than 2G GSM systems (900/1800 MHz), which means that most of the circulating RF currents are absorbed into the skin and the superficial soft tissue. The harmful genotoxic, cytotoxic, and mutagenic effects of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin are well-known. This study aimed at investigating whether 2422 MHz (Wi-Fi) RF exposure combined with UV radiation in different sequences has any effect on the inflammation process in the skin. In vitro experiments examined the inflammation process by cytokines (IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8) and MMP-1 enzyme secretion in a 3D full-thickness human skin model. In the first study, UV exposure was immediately followed by RF exposure to measure the potential additive effects, while in the second study, the possible protective phenomenon (i.e., adaptive response) was investigated when adaptive RF exposure was challenged by UV radiation. Our results suggest that 2422 MHz Wi-Fi exposure slightly, not significantly increased cytokine concentrations of the prior UV exposure. We could not detect the adaptive response phenomenon.


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Citation KeySzilágyi2023