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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7494 results
Late Glacial and holocene aeolian deposits and geomorphological features near Roccaraso (Abrizzo - Central Italy), Frezzotti, M, and Giraudi C. , Quaternary International, Volume 5, Number C, p.89-95, (1990)
N,N dialkil aliphatic amides as extractant of platinum group metals, , New Separation Chemistry Tecniques For Radioactive Wastes And Other Specific Applications, p.57, (1990)
Nonlinear surface and internal waves in stratified shear flow, Artale, V., and Levi D. , Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Volume 54, Number 1-2, p.35-48, (1990)
Optoelectronic properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon-germanium alloys, Conte, G., Della Sala Dario, Galluzzi F., Grillo G., Ostrifate C., and Reita C. , Semiconductor Science and Technology, Volume 5, Number 8, p.890-893, (1990)
Origin of aneuploidy in relation to disturbances of cell-cycle progression. I. Effects of vinblastine on mouse bone marrow cells, Manca, A., Bassani B., Russo A., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 229, Number 1, p.29-36, (1990)
Radionuclide concentrations in air and their deposition at Saluggia (Northwest Italy) following the Chernobyl nuclear accident, Spezzano, Pasquale, and Giacomelli R. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 12, Number 1, p.79-91, (1990)
Response to osmotic medium and fusicoccin by seeds of radish (Raphanus sativus) in the early phase of germination, Cocucci, S.M., Morgutti S., Abruzzese A., and Alisi Chiara , Physiologia Plantarum, Volume 80, Number 2, p.294-300, (1990)
Sorption of europium and actinides by means of octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutyl carbamoylmethyl phosphine oxide (CMPO) loaded on silica, Pietrelli, L., Salluzzo Antonio, and Troiani F. , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles, Volume 141, Number 1, p.107-115, (1990)
Two-dimensional, fluid and excitation level effects on the seismic response of a restrained LMR core, Forni, Massimo, Indirli Maurizio, and Martelli A. , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 197, p.163-172, (1990)
Volume flow resistance of a hemodialysis membrane and protein adsorption, Fabiani, Claudio, Pizzichini Massimo, Bersani S., Casciani C.U., Digiulio S., Fortezza P.L., Maldonato A., and Pittaluga M. , Separation Science and Technology, 1990///, Volume 25, p.593 - 608, (1990)
Absolute determination of the cross sections of ozone in the wavelength region 339-355 nm at temperatures 220-293 K, Cacciani, M., Di Sarra Alcide, Fiocco G., and Amoruso A. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 94, Number D6, p.8485-8490, (1989)
Actinide recovery from radioactive liquid wastes by CMPO, Casarci, M., Gasparini G.M., Grossi G., and Pietrelli L. , Journal of The Less-Common Metals, Volume 149, Number C, p.297-303, (1989)
Analysis of internal temperature oscillations of tidal period on the Sicilian continental shelf, Artale, V., Provenzale A., and Santoleri R. , Continental Shelf Research, Volume 9, Number 10, p.867-888, (1989)
Balestruccio (Delichon urbica), Carrabba, Paola , Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti in Campania (1983-1987), Volume 1, Naples, Italy, p.95-96, (1989)
Ballooning stability of axisymmetric plasmas with sheared equilibrium flows, Bhattacharjee, A., Iacono Roberto, Milovich J.L., and Paranicas C. , Physics of Fluids B, Volume 1, Number 11, p.2207-2212, (1989)
Behaviour of the italian BEL 15 borosilicate glass incorporating mtr-hlw with reference to the disposal in clay formations, Cantale, Cristina, Castelli Stefano, Donato Aldo, and Guidi Gioli , Number 19, (1989)
cDNA cloning of artichoke mottled crinkle virus RNA and localization and sequencing of the coat protein gene, Tavazza, Mario, Lucioli Alessandra, Ancora Giorgio, and Benvenuto Eugenio , Plant Molecular Biology, 1989///, Volume 13, p.685 - 692, (1989)
Characteristics of Chernobyl fallout in the Italian coastal marine environment [Caratteristiche del fallout da Chernobyl nell'ambiente marino costiero italiano], Delfanti, Roberta, and Papucci C. , Ecologia. Atti 3 congresso della Societa Italiana di Ecologia, Siena, 1987. Tomo 1, p.201-205, (1989)
Cholinergic agonists selectively induce proliferative responses in the mature subpopulation of murine thymocytes., Rossi, A, Tria M A., Baschieri Selene, Doria G., and Frasca D. , Journal of neuroscience research, 1989 Nov, Volume 24, Number 3, p.369-73, (1989)
Comunità ornitiche degli ambienti verdi di Napoli nei periodi dello svernamento e della riproduzione., Carrabba, Paola, and Milone Mario , V Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, 12/1991, Volume XVII:1-552, Bracciano, (1989)
A cytogenetic approach to evaluate in vivo somatic aneuploidy. Effects of diethylstilboestrol on mouse bone marrow cells, Zijno, A., Quaggia S., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutagenesis, Volume 4, Number 1, p.62-66, (1989)
Cytotoxic effects of benzene on mouse germ cells determined by flow cytometry, Spanò, M., Pacchierotti Francesca, Uccelli Raffaella, Amendola R., and Bartoleschi Cecilia , Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Volume 26, Number 3, p.361-372, (1989)
Distribuzione spazio-temporale nella migrazione primaverile di cinque specie del genere Sylvia, Fraissinet, Maurizio, Carrabba Paola, and Milone Mario , V Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, 1991, Volume XVII:1-552, Bracciano, (1989)
DNA methylation of embryogenic carrot cell cultures and its variations as caused by mutation, differentiation, hormones and hypomethylating drugs, F. Schiavo, Lo, Pitto L., Giuliano Giovanni, Torti G., Nuti-Ronchi V., Marazziti D., Vergara R., Orselli S., and Terzi M. , Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1989///, Volume 77, p.325 - 331, (1989)