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Defining ecological regions in Italy based on a multivariate clustering approach: A first step towards a targeted vector borne disease surveillance,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 14, Number 7, (2019)
Molecular and biochemical characterization of a potato collection with contrasting tuber carotenoid content,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Number 9, p.e0184143, (2017)
Tissue-specific accumulation of sulfur compounds and saponins in different parts of garlic cloves from purple and white ecotypes,
, Molecules, Volume 22, Number 8, (2017)
Identification of airborne radioactive spatial patterns in Europe - Feasibility study using Beryllium-7,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 155-156, p.55-62, (2016)
Evaluation of climate patterns in a regional climate model over Italy using long-term records from SYNOP weather stations and cluster analysis,
, Climate Research, Volume 62, Number 3, p.173-188, (2015)
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus-resistant tomato plants expressing the multifunctional N-terminal domain of the replication-associated protein show transcriptional changes resembling stress-related responses,
, Molecular Plant Pathology, 2014, Volume 15, p.31 - 43, (2014)
Analysis of genetic variability in Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Crustacea, Aristeidae) using DNA-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) markers,
, Comptes Rendus - Biologies, Volume 334, Number 10, p.705-712, (2011)
Study of 'Redhaven' peach and its white-fleshed mutant suggests a key role of CCD4 carotenoid dioxygenase in carotenoid and norisoprenoid volatile metabolism,
, BMC Plant Biology, Volume 11, (2011)
Identification of putative stage-specific grapevine berry biomarkers and omics data integration into networks,
, Plant Physiology, 2010, Volume 154, p.1439 - 1459, (2010)
Transcriptional-metabolic networks in β-carotene-enriched potato tubers: The long and winding road to the golden phenotype,
, Plant Physiology, Volume 154, Number 2, p.899-912, (2010)
Developmental, genetic and environmental factors affect the expression of flavonoid genes, enzymes and metabolites in strawberry fruits,
, Plant, Cell and Environment, Volume 32, Number 8, p.1117-1131, (2009)
Asbestos related diseases in Italy: An integrated approach to identify unexpected professional or environmental exposure risks at municipal level,
, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Volume 81, Number 8, p.993-1001, (2008)
Diurnal and circadian rhythms in the tomato transcriptome and their modulation by cryptochrome photoreceptors,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 3, Number 7, (2008)
Geographic distribution of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis through motor neuron disease mortality data,
, European Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 22, Number 11, p.781-790, (2007)
Malignant pleural cancers mortality and compensated cases for asbestos related diseases in Lazio municipali ties (1980-2001) [Mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e casi indennizzati di malattie asbesto correlate nei comuni del Lazio (1980-2001)],
, Medicina del Lavoro, Volume 98, Number 1, p.30-38, (2007)
Characterization of expressed Pgip genes in rice and wheat reveals similar extent of sequence variation to dicot PGIPs and identifies an active PGIP lacking an entire LRR repeat,
, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2006, Volume 113, p.1233 - 1245, (2006)
Sedimentary humic substances in the northern Adriatic sea (Mediterranean sea),
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 61, Number 1, p.40-58, (2006)
Influence of chemical parameters (heavy metals, organic matter, sulphur and nitrogen) on toxicity of sediments from the Mar Piccolo (Taranto, Ionian Sea, Italy),
, Microchemical Journal, Volume 79, Number 1-2, p.243-248, (2005)
A rhizospheric Burkholderia cepacia complex population: Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Burkholderia cenocepacia and Burkholderia ambifaria,
, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 46, Number 2, p.179-187, (2003)
Heavy metals in urban soils: A case study from the city of Palermo (Sicily), Italy,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 300, Number 1-3, p.229-243, (2002)
Classification of food, beverages and perfumes by WO3 thin-film sensors array and pattern recognition techniques,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 73, Number 1, p.76-87, (2001)
Territorial distribution of mortality from malignant pleural tumors in Lombardy [Distribuzione territoriale della mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura in Lombardia.],
, Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Volume 27, Number 4, p.651-655, (1991)