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Efficient targeted multiallelic mutagenesis in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) by transient CRISPR-Cas9 expression in protoplasts,
, Plant Cell Reports, Volume 36, Number 1, p.117-128, (2017)
Fifty-Hertz Magnetic Field Affects the Epigenetic Modulation of the miR-34b/c in Neuronal Cells,
, Molecular Neurobiology, Volume 55, Number 7, p.1-17, (2017)
Development of SSR markers and genetic diversity analysis in enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman), an orphan food security crop from Southern Ethiopia,
, BMC Genetics, Volume 16, Number 1, (2015)
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus-resistant tomato plants expressing the multifunctional N-terminal domain of the replication-associated protein show transcriptional changes resembling stress-related responses,
, Molecular Plant Pathology, 2014, Volume 15, p.31 - 43, (2014)
Transcriptional regulation of kinases downstream of the T cell receptor: another immunomodulatory mechanism of glucocorticoids,
, BMC pharmacology & toxicology, Volume 15, p.35, (2014)
Characterization of expressed Pgip genes in rice and wheat reveals similar extent of sequence variation to dicot PGIPs and identifies an active PGIP lacking an entire LRR repeat,
, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2006, Volume 113, p.1233 - 1245, (2006)
Elucidation of the β-carotene hydroxylation pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana,
, FEBS Letters, Volume 580, Number 19, p.4718-4722, (2006)
Targeted modification of homogalacturonan by transgenic expression of a fungal polygalacturonase alters plant growth,
, Plant Physiology, 2004, Volume 135, p.1294 - 1304, (2004)
Improved in planta expression of the human islet autoantigen glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65),
, Transgenic Research, Volume 12, Number 2, p.203-212, (2003)
Musarmins: Three single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein isoforms from bulbs of Muscari armeniacum L. and Miller,
, International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2003, Volume 35, p.61 - 78, (2003)
Cyclic adenosine 5′-monophosphate and calcium induce CD152 (CTLA-4) up-regulation in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes,
, Journal of Immunology, Volume 169, Number 11, p.6231-6235, (2002)
Functional characterization of Ets-binding sites in the sea urchin embryo: three base pair conversions redirect expression from mesoderm to ectoderm and endoderm.,
, Gene, 2002 Apr 03, Volume 287, Issue 1-2, p.75-81, (2002)
Evidence for a mesodermal embryonic regulator of the sea urchin CyIIa gene.,
, Dev Biol, 2001 Aug 01, Volume 236, Issue 1, p.46-63, (2001)
Genetic dissection of blue-light sensing in tomato using mutants deficient in cryptochrome 1 and phytochromes A, B1 and B2,
, Plant Journal, Volume 25, Number 4, p.427-440, (2001)
Metabolic engineering of beta-carotene and lycopene content in tomato fruit,
, Plant Journal, Volume 24, Number 3, p.413-419, (2000)
Functional expression in bacteria and plants of an scFv antibody fragment against tospoviruses,
, Immunotechnology, 1999, Volume 4, p.189 - 201, (1999)
Identification of artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) proteins required for virus replication: Complementation of AMCV p33 and p92 replication defective mutants,
, Journal of General Virology, Volume 79, Number 3, p.639-647, (1998)
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase gene in flower organs of Forsythia x intermedia,
, Plant Molecular Biology, Volume 35, Number 3, p.303-311, (1997)
Regulation of a carotenoid biosynthesis gene promoter during plant development,
, Plant Journal, Volume 9, Number 4, p.505-512, (1996)
Constitutive, light-responsive and circadian clock-responsive factors compete for the different I box elements in plant light-regulated promoters,
, Plant Journal, Volume 4, Number 4, p.611-619, (1993)
Regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis during tomato development,
, Plant Cell, Volume 5, Number 4, p.379-387, (1993)
An evolutionarily conserved protein binding sequence upstream of a plant light-regulated gene.,
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 85, Number 19, p.7089-7093, (1988)
cDNA sequence coding for human coagulation factor XII (Hageman).,
, Nucleic acids research, 1986 Apr 11, Volume 14, p.3146, (1986)
Molecular studies on DNA sequences coding for factor VII and factor XII of human coagulation.,
, The Italian journal of biochemistry, 1986 Sep-Oct, Volume 35, p.328-32, (1986)
The T-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes is transmitted through meiosis to the progeny of hairy root plants.,
, Journal of Molecular and Applied Genetics, 1984, Volume 2, p.465 - 470, (1984)