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Defining ecological regions in Italy based on a multivariate clustering approach: A first step towards a targeted vector borne disease surveillance,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 14, Number 7, (2019)
Heuristic method for landslide susceptibility assessment in the Messina municipality,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.501-504, (2015)
Preliminary remarks about rainfall thresholds for triggering debris flows on the Messina area,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.1547-1551, (2015)
The RUSLE erosion index as a proxy indicator for debris flow susceptibility,
, Landslides, Volume 12, Number 5, p.847-859, (2015)
Soil water content and triggering of debris flows in the Messina area (Italy): Preliminary remarks,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.2113-2117, (2015)
Geomorphology hazard assessment of giampilieri and briga river basins after the rainfall event on the october 1, 2009 (sicily, Italy),
, Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, Volume 1, Rome, p.533-540, (2013)
Landslide hazard assessment project in the Messina municipality area (Sicily, Italy),
, Landslide Science and Practice: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, Volume 6, Rome, p.363-368, (2013)
Effects of seasonal cycle fluctuations in an A1B scenario over the Euro-Mediterranean region,
, Climate Research, Volume 52, Number 1, p.135-157, (2012)
Geostatistics as a validation tool for setting ozone standards for durum wheat,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 158, Number 2, p.536-542, (2010)
Simulation of the intraseasonal and the interannual variability of rainfall over West Africa with RegCM3 during the monsoon period,
, International Journal of Climatology, Volume 30, Number 12, p.1865-1883, (2010)
Assessment of present and future risk to Italian forests and human health: Modelling and mapping,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 157, Number 5, p.1407-1412, (2009)
A Gill-Matsuno-type mechanism explains the tropical Atlantic influence on African and Indian monsoon rainfall,
, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 135, Number 640, p.569-579, (2009)
Scenarios downscaling: Qualitative comparison between RAINS-Europe and RAINS-Italy,
, 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Proceedings, p.2321-2327, (2009)
Technical and Non-Technical Measures for air pollution emission reduction: The integrated assessment of the regional Air Quality Management Plans through the Italian national model,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 43, Number 39, p.6182-6189, (2009)
On the coupling between vegetation and rainfall inter-annual anomalies: Possible contributions to seasonal rainfall predictability over land areas,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 35, Number 2, (2008)
The MINNI Project: An integrated assessment modeling system for policy making,
, MODSIM05 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making, Proceedings, Melbourne, VIC, p.2005-2011, (2005)
Analytical formulas for the below-cloud scavenging coefficient of an irreversibily soluble gas: A quantitative eveluation for HNO3,
, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Volume 21, Number 6, p.547-565, (2004)
Remote sensing and GIS as tools for the hydro-geomorphological modeling of soil erosion in semi-arid mediterranean regions,
, Management Information Systems, Halkidiki, p.43-52, (2002)
Precipitation scavenging coefficient: Influence of measured aerosol and raindrop size distributions,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 34, Number 29-30, p.5169-5174, (2000)
Cloud albedo enhancement by surface-active organic solutes in growing droplets,
, Nature, Volume 401, Number 6750, p.257-259, (1999)
An investigation of possible processes of radiocaesium release from organic upland soils to water bodies,
, Water Research, Volume 28, Number 4, p.975-983, (1994)