Produzione Scientifica
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Engineering of a single chain variable fragment antibody specific for the Citrus tristeza virus and its expression in Escherichia coli and Nicotiana tabacum,
, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2002///, Volume 108, p.479 - 483, (2002)
L’approccio territorialista all’Innovazione,
, AgriCulture, Volume 4, p.13-17, (2002)
Plant and bacterial production of engineered antibodies for pharmacological use in oncology,
, Xth IAPTC&B Congress, Plant Biotechnology 2002 and Beyond, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 23-28,, (2002)
Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico: la materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione,
, (2001)
Bridging the gap between Science and the Public,
, IPTS Report (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies), Volume 51, (2001)
Bias caused by using different isolation media for assessing the genetic diversity of a natural microbial population,
, Microbial Ecology, 2000///, Volume 40, p.169 - 176, (2000)
Soil type and maize cultivar affect the genetic diversity of maize root-associated Burkholderia cepacia populations,
, Microbial Ecology, 1999///, Volume 38, p.273 - 284, (1999)
Characterization of a free-living maize-rhizosphere population of Burkholderia cepacia: Effect of seed treatment on disease suppression and growth promotion of maize,
, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1998///, Volume 27, p.225 - 237, (1998)
A borosilicate glass for the italian high level waste. Characterization and behaviour,
, Radioactive Waste Management And Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Volume 16, (1991)
Characterization of the italian glasses and their interaction with clay,
, Number 23, (1991)
The conductance of tetralkilammonium iodide in water proline and water hydrossiproline solutions,
, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Volume 33A, (1979)