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Predicting the sources of an outbreak with a spectral technique, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Chinnici M., and Palomo J. , Applied Mathematical Sciences, Volume 8, Number 133-136, p.6775-6782, (2014)
The complexity science approach vs. the simulative approach, Fioriti, Vincenzo, D'Agostino G., and Scala A. , Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and Resilience in the ICT Sector, p.139-152, (2013)
Semi-centralized reconstruction of robot swarm topologies: The largest laplacian eigenvalue and high frequency noise are used to calculate the adjacency matrix of an underwater swarm from time-series, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Chiesa S., and Fratichini F. , ICINCO 2013 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Volume 1, Reykjavik, p.74-81, (2013)
Sub-optimal topological protection strategy from advanced malware, Arbore, A., and Fioriti Vincenzo , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6983 LNCS, Lucerne, p.81-92, (2013)
Discriminating chaotic time series with visibility graph eigenvalues, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Tofani A., and Di Pietro A. , Complex Systems, Volume 21, Number 3, p.193-200, (2012)
A simple metric for dependencies, Ruzzante, S., Castorini E., Marchei E., and Fioriti Vincenzo , International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Volume 8, Number 1, p.63-73, (2012)
Spectral analysis of a real power network, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Sforna M., and D'Agostino G. , International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Volume 8, Number 4, p.354-367, (2012)
The synchronization of kuramoto oscillator networks: Forecasting financial index critical points, Fioriti, Vincenzo, and Chinnici M. , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 915, Rome, p.92-95, (2012)
Inter-dependency assessment in the ICT-PS network: The MIA project results, Casalicchio, E., Bologna S., Brasca L., Buschi S., Ciapessoni E., D'Agostino G., Fioriti Vincenzo, and Morabito F. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6712 LNCS, Athens, p.1-12, (2011)
Methodologies for inter-dependency assessment, D'Agostino, G., Bologna S., Fioriti Vincenzo, Casalicchio E., Brasca L., Ciapessoni E., and Buschi S. , 2010 5th International Conference on Critical Infrastructure, CRIS 2010 - Proceedings, Beijing, (2010)
A metric for measuring the strength of inter-dependencies, Ruzzante, S., Castorini E., Marchei E., and Fioriti Vincenzo , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6351 LNCS, Vienna, p.291-302, (2010)
On modeling and measuring inter-dependencies among critical infrastructures, Fioriti, Vincenzo, D'Agostino G., and Bologna S. , COMPENG 2010 - Complexity in Engineering, Rome, p.85-87, (2010)
Stability of a model of power microgeneration network using the Kuramoto model, Marchei, E., Fioriti Vincenzo, Ruzzante S., Castorini E., and Rosato V. , International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, Volume 2, Number 1, p.76-88, (2010)
Modelling critical infrastructures in presence of lack of data with simulated annealing - Like algorithms, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Ruzzante S., Castorini E., Di Pietro A., and Tofani A. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 5775 LNCS, Hamburg, p.81-88, (2009)
Stability of a distributed generation network using the kuramoto models, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Ruzzante S., Castorini E., Marchei E., and Rosato V. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 5508 LNCS, Rome, p.14-23, (2009)
A simple metric for interdependencies in the technological networks, Fioriti, Vincenzo, and Fioriti A. , 7th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security 2008, ECIW 2008, Plymouth, p.81-86, (2008)