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METROFOOD-RI “Infrastructure for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition”
Logo Infrastruttura METROFOOD-RI
Funding type: 
EU Programmes
Programma Quadro UE: 
Altri Programmi
ENEA role: 
Reference laboratory: 
ENEA Project Leader: 
Claudia Zoani

METROFOOD-RI, in full harmony with the RRI principles, will provide distributed services, acting on the real plan of measurement reliability and procedure harmonization, and adopting the FAIR approach on data management and provision of e-services. The services include: i) metrological and standardisation services; ii) analytical and diagnostic services for the entire food chain from primary production up to packaging and consumption; iii) services aimed to improve food production and consumption; iv) advanced training for academics and professionals; v) e-services for measurement harmonization and to collect, share, integrate and compare data all along the food chain.
The scientific offer is addressed to a broad set of users and stakeholders, such as: public and private labs and groups engaged in research activities for food data collection and measurement reliability and basic frontier research in food and nutrition; Food Business Operators and producer associations; policy makers, food inspection and control agencies; consumers/consumer associations and citizens.

ESFRI Roadmap 2018 - Domain “Health and Food”

