Progetto SAHYOG
Strengthening networking on biomAss researcH and biowaste conversion: biotechnologY for EurOpe India inteGration
The main objective of the SAHYOG project is to establish a partnering initiative to coordinate research activities carried out in Europe and India on biomass production and biowaste conversion through biotechnological approaches. The integrated project activities will be carried out by a partnership of stakeholders from EU and India involving public and private organizations that conceive and fund research programmes as well as representatives from the scientific community. Strong EU-India linkages will be created between on-going and future research and innovation projects with the aim to exploit cooperation synergies for sustainable development. The project will be based on comprehensive inventories integrating research activities from Europe and India in order to identify common areas of interest as well as knowledge gaps and cooperation opportunities. The twinning of projects and short term exchanges among researchers will be important tools to strengthen collaboration and promote networking in areas of shared strategic interest. Several stakeholder workshops will provide opportunities to explore the opinions and perspectives of European and Indian scientists and R&D programme managers. Thereby, the SAHYOG project will help to identify opportunities for joint initiatives between the EU and its Member States and India in the field of biomass production and biowaste conversion. The organization of conferences and summer schools will contribute to increase the visibility of scientific excellence and the impact of innovation in the sector. Finally, a Strategic Research Agenda and a R&D road map will be developed in order to facilitate concerted planning of future joint EU-India research initiatives Thereby, pathways will be identified to promote new technologies that will drive Europe and India to an increased exploitation of biotechnology for biomass production and biowaste conversion.