Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI
The general objective of PRO-METROFOOD is to bring the emerging METROFOOD-RI ESFRI project to the level of maturity required for entering in the active project list, strengthening the Consortium and planning the future phases. The specific objectives have been set up in close relationship with the “ESFRI SWG & IG Recommendation”. 4 specific objectives have been identified: OBJ1 – design strategies on the medium and long terms, OBJ2 – provide the organizational framework of METROFOOD-RI, OBJ3 – demonstrate the capability of METROFOOD-RI to supply scientific services and prepare the chart of services, OBJ4 – establish plans to coherently integrate METROFOOD-RI into the European landscape, realising coordination with EU and National initiatives and positioning at a global level. The strategic Plan will be tailored to the Pan European Infrastructure current and envisaged capabilities, market opportunities and business needs. It will be developed by involving funding agencies, relevant authorities supporting METROFOOD-RI and other stakeholders. A management conceptual model will be developed and the framework will be designed under operational, strategic and institutional aspects. Management procedures suitable for the different phases will set up, so to cover short and long-term goals. A Quality Documentation System (QDS) will be developed and a data management plan (DMP) will be defined. In order to demonstrate the capability of PRO-METROFOOD to supply services and to test its inter-operability, pilot services will be performed. In strict accordance with the METROFOOD-RI strategies, plans to coherently integrate METROFOOD-RI into the European landscape will be developed. A Communication plan and education and training programmes will be developed for the different phases of METROFOOD-RI realization (earl, preparatory, implementation and operational phases). For each phase the main coordinator, the target group and the main training subject areas will be specified.