Progetto BS-ERA.NET
Networking on science and technology in the Black Sea region
The main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project are: - reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving the coherence and coordination of national and regional research programmes, - to develop and strengthen the coordination of public research programmes conducted at national and regional level, which target a group of countries from the extended Black Sea region. -to sustain the communication in order to develop better reciprocal knowledge and promote trust-building among programme owners and/or managers through a mutual learning process, and a systemic exchange of information and good practice. -to enhance the complementarities and synergy between the Framework Programme and activities carried out in the framework of governmental structures such as COST, EUREKA, NEP, UNESCO-BRESCE or EIROforum. -to promote a network and mutually open at national regional research programmes level which will lead to: concrete cooperation in the frame of the Black Sear Research Programme (BSRP) and to the development and implementation of joint programmes and activities in the region'