Giovanni Giuliano
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Education, titles and awards:
1981: Laurea degree in Biology with honors (University of Pisa) and Diplome in Biology (Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa).
1987: Ph.D. in Plant Biology.
1994: "Abilitation aux fonctions de Professeur" in the French Universities. Sectors Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Physiology.
2014: Habilitation as full professor in the Italian Universities. Sectors Plant Physiology, Plant Genetics, Molecular Biology and Applied Biology.
2016: Award of the Italian Minister of Culture for Biology and its applications, awarded by the Italian Academy of Sciences.
Positions held:
1983-1985: Research fellow at the Istituto di Mutagenesi e Differenziamento of the Italian National Research Council, Pisa.
1985-86: Postdoctoral fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, USA.
1987-88: Postdoctoral fellow, Univ. of Pennsylvania, PA, USA.
Since 1988: Research scientist (since 2003 Research Director) at ENEA. From 2010 to 2015: Head of the Green Biotechnology laboratory, ENEA.
Research interests:
Dr Giuliano's research group has a long-standing experience in plant carotenoid biosynthesis, genomics and metabolic engineering. Since 1991 has received of 25 Italian and 15 European research grants, of which 5 and 4 respectively as coordinator. Presently, the group participates in the EU projects:
Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future (Harnesstom)
Promoting a Plant Genetic Resources Community for Europe (PRO-GRACE) (Coordinator)
Over 120 peer-reviewed papers and several international patents (Google Scholar profile).
Chair, 2018 Gordon Conference on Carotenoids.
2020-2024: Elected member of the ENEA Board of Directors.